Open Space Committee members met virtually Monday night.
Chairwoman Lixy Carey (above) stated that she was prepared to send out a letter to targeted local property owners to see if they had any interest in selling or preserving their land, but a letter from the Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) stopped the mailing. The SVT have their own list of targeted properties in Holliston which overlap the list held by the Open Space Committee. Carey said that pares down the list to five properties who will receive the letter of interest.
SVT will hold a web meeting on April 14th that committee members plan to attend about how property owners can protect their land. The meeting is closed to the public.
Carey noted that Arcadian Farm had recently been surveyed by GLM Engineering and the plan is to divide the property in two pieces. An unwanted smaller parcel towards the rear of the property may be for sale to the town. Member Shaw Lively said a landlocked parcel between the Senior Center and Dalton Road is already owned by the town. Carey was told by Debra Koshivas that the leaf pile next to the newer farm stand will be turned over to make way for arable land.
Carey said she was contacted by Tim Drake, a friend of Larry Finn in regard to the property across from the high school. Carey didn’t want to suggest Finn’s options and has contacted the SVT to speak with Finn regarding the property.
The meeting was brief, and the next meeting is April 25th.
Publishers’ Note: Below is the mission of the Holliston Open Space Committee:
“The town of Holliston formed the Open Space Committee in 1999 to promote the benefits of permanent preservation of additional open space in Holliston. The Committee serves as a resource to landowners and works to facilitate land acquisitions or other land protections such as conservation restrictions or agricultural preservation restriction, subject to Town Meeting approval.”
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