Planning Board Enters 555 Special Permit Deliberation Period

On July 13, 2023, the Holliston Planning Board met.  Chair Karen Apuzzo-Langton (below) called the meeting to order at 7:11pm when a quorum was achieved.

Several other pieces of business were handled by the Board, with the primary focus on CRG’s Special Permit request for property at 555 Hopping Brook Road.  With the Public Hearing for this project closed on June 22, 2023, the Board has 90 days from that date to make its decision.

Following a Board discussion with input from Town Planner Karen Sherman (above left) and Town Counsel Brian Winner (above right) the following process was outlined:

  • The members of the Board will review all materials (written and notes from Public Hearing)
  • Each member will submit to you via email their observations, questions, and concerns no later than July 20th.
  • Town Planner Sherman and Town Counsel Winner will compile the input received.
  • A framework for deliberation will be developed by Planner Sherman and Attorney Winner.
  • The Board will use that framework at its next meeting on August 31st to discuss the options.
  • Based on the August 31st meeting discussion, Attorney Winner will create a draft decision for action.
  • The Board, at its September 14th meeting, will act on the draft decision to meet the 90-day deadline.

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