Police Log: August – December 1914

HOLLISTON HEN THIEVES ON RUN (Special to the Journal) 

Holliston, August 24, 1914. — John C. Feeley had an exciting night as watchman at the plant of Pittsfield Poultry Farms Co., on Phipps Hill.  At two o’clock he encountered two men prowling about and discharged a gun, causing them to make a hurried exit without the booty.  

An auto in the vicinity went toward Holliston Center and in ten minutes returned at a fast clip, and it supposedly picked up the unwelcome visitors.  It is believed this is not the first visit to the farm, although it is the first time they have failed in their attempts to get some fancy stock.


Holliston, November 28, 1914 – According to inside “info” Holliston is ready for the yeggs.  When Holliston’s anti-yeggman force is line up there are three men, one pistol, one shot-gun and one rifle at the front.

Captain and overseer of defensive force and deadly weapons is Albert T. Falvey, Holliston’s chief of police. Chief Falvey is well known all over this section.  As a special officer, he served in no less than three industrial wars  at Hopedale, Clinton and Barre.

The yeggs have tapped every town near Milford, except Holliston, and Chief Falvey believes that sooner or later they will attempt to do a job here. The three men are much on the beat these nights, with shot-gun, rifle and pistol.  All are crack shots, so Yeggs: beware.

HOLLISTON MAN AFRAID TO GO HOME IN THE DARKSo Nick Curran Sleeps all Night in Barber Shop  (Special to the Journal)

Holliston, December 1, 1914 – “Efficiency”  that is the word Chief of Police Albert Falvey, loves.  His force of 3 and their 3 deadly weapons – the Shot gun, the Rifle and the Pistol – are efficient.

Last night, “Nick” Curran, well known baseball player, fell asleep in a well-known Holliston barber shop.  He woke up at 2 a.m.  Did he venture into the night and take a chance of being mistaken by Chief Falvey and the 3 deadly weapons, for a yegg?  He did not.

He poked his head out of the door and peered into the darkness.  He pulled his head back in again quickly.  He remembered that Chief Falvey and his assistants are much on the beat these nights looking for yeggs.  He knew they wouldn’t be able to see his new shave and haircut in the dark.  He took no chances.  He went back to sleep in the barber shop and waited until dawn, when he could see a tree to duck behind, in case he met up with the “three deadly weapons.”

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