Police Log: January 6 – 12, 2014

January 6:

Disturbance with summons, 85 Wingate; caller reported female breaking windows at the residence. Maria Polanco-Gonzalez of Dorchester for wanton destruction of property.

January 7:

Vandalism, 37 Pope; employee reports locks appear to have been tampered with and items missing from vehicle.

Complaint, Partridge; caller reported scams via telephone requesting transfer of funds via Wester Union. Concerned after giving caller personal information (a little late for that).

January 8;

K9 training, Pond; no details.

Disturbance, 35 Pleasant; Michael Aceto of Holbrook on warrant arrest (14-4-AR)

January 9:

Complaint, Franklin; requests for extra patrols between 6:30 – 7:30 AM for speeders.

January 10:

Animal incident, Winthrop; report of deer versus car. The deer r a n n  o f  t.

Vandalism, Indian; window of backhoe broken.

Animal incident, Beverly; report of loose goose (any relation to Loosey Goosey?).

Complaint, Washington; report of driver texting and minor road rage.

K9 training, Hopping Brook; tracking exercise.

January 11:

Disturbance, Post Office area; several reports of gunshots. The shooter has permission from the land owner and the area is in compliance with state law.

January 12:

Vehicle stop with arrest, 39 Concord: operator in custody for 90/10 and 90/24. Passenger in custody for warrant arrest. Luis Gonzalez-Leon and Jose Cevallos, both of Framingham.

Animal incident, Walk-in; black & white pit bull found on Washington Street near downtown with leash but no collar. “Odie” owner found by ACO.

Suspicious vehicle, walk-in; Cedar Street report of two men in old station wagon. One rang doorbell next door and then left when neighbor noticed him.

During the reporting period, 22 citations and 12 warnings were issued. One erratic driver was spotted.


A truck with a sign on the back

Description automatically generated

Is he asking for himself or for a farm animal?

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