Expensive noise makers
May 16, 1901 – Those Milford boys who boasted “they were not afraid of any Holliston cops,” got their just desserts yesterday at district court at So. Framingham, Savage being fined $20, while Burns and Quinn were committed to jail in default of a fine of $10 each. It is proposed to continue this line of action against all who may come here and disturb the local peace.
Our moral decline started with a cock fight
May 31, 1901 – With a cock fight in Sherborn last Sunday and a later adjournment of the party for the drinks in Holliston, the Sabbath of our Puritan fathers seems to be pretty thoroughly forgotten by our neighbors. Are the authorities completely powerless before this kind of lawlessness?
Burglars with a sweet tooth
June 15, 1901 – Thursday night thieves broke into Charles Brown’s place at the railroad and stole some $20 worth of tobacco, cigars, candy, etc. Entrance was affected by a window. Suspicion rests on certain parties.
Vintage stake-out
November 25, 1901 – Officer Curran hid in the barn. When Jere Grover and Annie Brown came in at Midnight with a bag of loot from Mr. Stone’s house, Curran arrested them.
LOST, March 3, 1902 – A Smith & Wesson hammerless revolver between the corner of Elm and Railroad Sts. and the depot, on Elm st. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the revolver at Newell’s drug store, Holliston.
Selectmen join police in raid.
Milford, April 19, 1903. – Holliston selectmen and officers broke up at 10 o’clock this morning, a cock fight in a rendezvous known as 14, on the road between Holliston and Hopkinton, in the township of Hopkinton.
A man giving the name of James McCoy of Hopedale was captured, as was also two cocks, all heeled, which were fighting in a pit, and an express team containing two full kegs of lager and one gallon of whisky.
The raiding party consisted of Selectmen William P. Kingsbury, Benjamin F. Wayne and officers George Hart, Arthur Harriman and James Davoren, all of Holliston.
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