Public Schools Partner to Provide ‘Grab-and-Go’ Meals

Holliston Reporter

Dear Holliston Families:

Holiday Dreams, partnering with Pepperoncini’s of Milford, Anthony’s on the Green in Holliston, and the Holliston Public Schools, will offer lunches to families-in-need beginning Wednesday March 18, 2020 through the end of the school closure period.  This program is designed to assist all Holliston families who may have a need, regardless of whether or not you have a child attending the Holliston Public Schools.  As is the case throughout Massachusetts, we will be using a “grab-and-go” method of distribution in line with the Governor’s instructions on social distancing.

Curbside pickup will be available at the Miller Elementary School, 235 Woodland Street from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM to any family who does not have any member of their household who is in quarantine or is showing any symptoms of COVID-19.  For those unable to leave their homes, a volunteer will deliver lunch to your doorstep. If you are in need of delivery please email: us by 9:00 PM the night prior.  Please provide the following information: your family name, the number of people in need of lunch and your street address.  This information will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

This lunch program will be available on the following days:

  • Wednesday March 18, 2020 through Friday, March 27, 2020 (excluding Saturday and Sunday, March 21st and March 22nd)
  • Beginning Monday, March 30, 2020, we will go to a three-day per week model (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) where we will distribute/deliver lunch for two days at a time.

Community volunteers and employees of the Holliston Public Schools Food Service program will be staffing this program.  At this time, community volunteers are not needed.  Should this change, we will inform you.  Also, unfortunately, we are not able to accept food donations of any kind. 

For families in need, this lunch program will likely not serve all of your needs.  In these cases, the Holliston Pantry Shelf is ready to help with expanded food delivery services. Please contact them directly for assistance.

Finally, this email is being sent through the distribution system of the Holliston Public Schools and will only reach a subset of our community.  Please distribute this information widely.

All community agencies are working together to support the Holliston community.


Bradford L. Jackson, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

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One thought on “Public Schools Partner to Provide ‘Grab-and-Go’ Meals

  1. Thank you so much to all of the companies and organizations involved in this effort. It is wonderful to see a collaborative effort between towns too. Thank you again!

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