Holliston Cable Access TV Receives Batchelder Award

Holiston Reporter

Holliston Cable Access Television is pleased to announce that it has received the 2021 Batchelder Award for Excellence in Education from Holliston Historical Society.  “HCAT has admirably served Holliston in these areas since 1985, and we are happy to recognize the station’s commitment to covering our community,” stated Paul Saulnier, Internal Vice President.  Accepting the award for HCAT was Station Manager Bruce Gilfoy, who said, “I was pleasantly surprised and honored to receive this wonderful award.”

John Mason Batchelder was the first president of the Holliston Historical Society, which was founded in 1910.  In his honor, the Society presents this award which recognizes excellence in education, historical research or historical preservation relating to Holliston.  Previous recipients include Marc Connelly, Joanne Hulbert, Holliston Elementary Parent’s Organization, Terri and Frank Chamberlain, and many others who have enriched our community with their knowledge and educational talents.

For a look at how HCAT covered the pandemic year in Holliston, go to:   https://www.hcattv.org/all-show-posts/2022/5/24/hcat-during-the-pandemic.

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One thought on “Holliston Cable Access TV Receives Batchelder Award

  1. Congrats, From Bob Rufo and from our 1985 crew , All the late nights at Nancy Norris’s house working out the details to get the station off the Ground…

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