School Committee Meeting Receives Updates and Approves Calendar

Holliston Reporter

Stacey Raffi, Chair of the School Committee (SC), called the remote meeting to order at 7:03 PM, on 1.21.21.  Absent were member Anne Louise Hanstad and student representatives.

During the Communications item of the agenda, SC member Dawn Naborsky recognized 2020 Holliston HS graduate Brendon Geary for receiving the Bruins-MIAA Sportsmanship Award for his 2019-20 season as captain of the boys’ hockey team.  Dr. Susan Kustka, Superintendent recognized Keith Buday, the HPS Business Manager, for his 20-years of service to the system. She said, “He has done an amazing job in this district.  He’s my go-to person.”

Two special presentations were scheduled for this evening:  a Special Education Update by Kelly Camp, Director of Student Services, and a Technology Update by Dan MacLeod, Director of Technology and Digital Learning.  Special Education numbers have remained relatively stable, according to Camp; 17% of Holliston’s youth receive services.  She said that COVID continues to present a significant challenge.  Raffi thanked her and Special Education teachers for their work and offered the support of the SC for anything it could do. 

MacLeod listed the technology priority needs that have a financial impact: student devices, namely Chromebook, software subscriptions such as Zoom, and network infrastructure.  He also announced:

  • A grant received has supported the training of several staff members concerning cybersecurity, especially concerning emails. More staff will receive this training in the future.
  • A new website will soon be unveiled for the HPS.
  • Computer science standards alignment is on-going.
  • A free peer review by national experts will provide information for future strategic planning.

SC member Cynthia Listewnik provided a first reading of Policy JLCB — “Immunization of Students,” that addresses the healthy and safe environment of schools.  The second reading will occur at a future SC meeting, following the SC Policy Sub-Committee meeting on February 9, 1:00 PM. 

The SC voted to increase its request from $4500 to $15,000 for the purchase of COVID testing and  equipment.  Although the SC had made the $4500 request of the Select Board, the Select Board approved $15,000 amount to cover these items.  Raffi thanked the Select Board and the Town Administrator Travis Ahern.

Dr. Kustka updated the SC on several topics:

  • Children are no longer required to have the (seasonal) flu vaccine, as it has been a mild flu season, and a majority of students have been vaccinated.
  • She is working with the Town Administrator, the Board of Health Director, and the Emergency Management Director to collaborate with other neighboring towns to provide educators with the COVID vaccine.  Working in conjunction with other towns, Dr. Kustka hopes that these folks will be vaccinated by early to mid-February.
  • Although DESE (Department of Early and Secondary Education) provide protocols concerning rapid antigen testing on site, HPS does not yet have hazardous waste disposal.
  • Holliston is on the DESE list for pool testing.  Pool testing is more successful if there is evidence of school transmission.  Thus far, Holliston has not seen school transmission.  “Pool testing is cost prohibitive,” Kustka said. “It is $4500 a week, and $15 a week per person.”  Additionally, Kustka said, “It has not prevented cases and has not changed transmission.”
  • The winter sports season (although abbreviated) began on January 11, with practice and a couple of games.  After 2 weeks, 2 teams are in quarantine. Kustka sees this as a real concern.

The SC approved Draft #3 of the 2021-22 school calendar, with the following change:  August 30 is opening day for staff (not for students).

Peter Botelho, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, provided a review of the January 15 Professional Development day:

  • Elementary staff engaged in the literacy workshop approach to improve practices.
  • Middle School staff built on previous PD sessions to “review, reflect, and revise.”
  • High School staff examined data and worked in the area of equity under the direction of Karen Archambault, HHS Assistant Principal.

Keith Buday reported that SC Chair had recently signed the following School Bills: $230,470.18 ($1192.18 COVID-related under CARES Act), $224,877.46 ($3644.50 CARES), $193,292.43 ($32,284.48 CARES), $506,576.55 (13,612.40 CARES), $80,892.67 ($23,966.17 CARES), $122,624.40 ($1622.69 CARES) and $78,316.98 ($1779. CARES).  Also cafeteria bills in the amounts of $16,214.11 and $13,747.44 ($299.07 CARES).

Buday stated that daily school lunches continue to be free to all students.  A consistent amount of these lunches is used.  He stresses that these lunches are free to everyone.  Raffi stressed this point as well, and Dr. Kustka will convey this message to parents in her Friday communication.  Of note is the fact that leftover lunches may not be distributed to any other group, but must be disposed. Cold milk, fruit, and vegetables are included daily. Lunch menus are provided on the HPS website.

The meeting adjourned at 9:42 PM.  The next remote meeting of the SC is February 4, at 7:00 PM.

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2 thoughts on “School Committee Meeting Receives Updates and Approves Calendar

  1. Congratulations to Keith Buday are truly in order. I have had the pleasure of working with Keith over many years. We did not always agree on some topics, but Keith always had the best interests of the schools as his priority. Holliston was and is very fortunate to have Keith working in its best interests! Great job, Keith!

  2. I, too, would like to add my congratulations to Keith Buday for 20 years of service to the Holliston Public Schools! For all 16 years I served as Superintendent of Schools, Keith was a key member of our administrative team. He works incredibly long hours, is available whenever needed, and always offered thoughtful and insightful options to solving difficult and challenging problems. He was my “go to” person as well, Dr. Kustka!

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