School Committee Meets with Governance Committee

Holliston Reporter

Joining an awaiting audience, the School Committee, arriving from an Executive Session, opened its open meeting session at 7:13 PM Thursday. Chair Stacey Raffi reported changing the order of agenda items and recognized student representative Elise Andelman. 

Andelman enthusiastically reported that students of the Holliston High School theater enjoyed their first gathering.  “It was great to be back together,” she said.  “Thanks to all!”  She also noted that the Unified Basketball Team would have its first game on March 31.

Raffi next introduced the Governance Committee (GC), chaired by Sam Tyler.  Other members of the GC attended via Zoom.  Tyler provided an overview of the work of the GC, followed by questions and comments from the SC.  In his overview, Tyler spoke about the proposed Budget By-Law the GC  that is presently a tentative warrant item for the May Town Meeting.  The GC reviewed its progress in developing a Fiscal Budget Development Process, explaining that “a consistent and effective structure for the budget process” is important to the town, as many committee and board members involved in the budget process change year-to-year due to town elections. The recommendation of the GC includes a greater responsibility for the Town Administrator and the Finance Officers.

Governance Committee Chair Sam Tyler

Previous to the meeting, the School Committee members received the GC’s written recommendation of a new By-Law with the modification of three others. When Tyler completed his overview, Raffi asked other SC members for their questions.  These questions concerned:

  • Reasons for changing the town’s present process;
  • The selection process for the “comparable towns” and whether other towns were using such a budget process;
  • Changes the Budget Sub-Committee would encounter, including timing and personnel changes; and
  • Examples of the effectiveness of the recommended changes.

The Governance Committee will hold a Public Hearing concerning its recommendation on March 25, with details forthcoming.

Superintendent  Dr. Susan Kustka announced a revision to the Fall II Sports Spectator Policy for indoor sports:  2 adult family members may now attend game events for each student participant.  Business Manager Keith Buday provided a brief summary of the specifics of the revised policy that includes a pre-game registration, observance of face masks and 6’ physical distance (folding chairs provided and set up prior to the event).

Dr. Kustka also reported that with the recent changes to the MA travel advisory, the Holliston Public Schools travel advisory would be updated on its website. 

Progress was reported concerning students in Grades 4 and 5 returning to school full time, in person, beginning on April 5.  With an expected K-8 mandate to follow, Dr. Kustka said it makes sense to bring the remaining students (i.e., students in grades 6-12) back fully and in- person on April 26.  As some work is needed to vacate Adams’ spaces currently used by Placentino students, Dr. Kustka requested a half day for Placentino and Miller students on March 31, to allow for the transfer of furnishings and learning materials. The SC approved this request unanimously by a roll-call vote. 

SC member Lisa Kocian reported a March 31 meeting of Special Education Parents Advisory Counciel (SEPAC).  Details may be found on the Facebook page.  Additionally, Kocian read a Statement from the School Committee in hopes of an agreement with the Holliston Federation of Teachers (HFT). The Statement began: “While we hope to have an agreement soon, we would like to relay some facts to provide a bit of context that appears to be missing from the public conversation.”

In part, the context presented a bulleted timeline of actions taken by the SC from March 12, 2020 (when the SC Negotiations Subcommittee and the HFT reached a tentative agreement and Dr. Brad Jackson, then Superintendent of Schools, announced the closing of schools district-wide in response to the pandemic) to the present (when later this month both parties will engage in mediation). “In the meantime, all teachers are protected by the existing contract, including all rights, benefits and the salary increases that come from step and lane progression.” The Statement notes that the SC is confident mediation will result in a fair agreement.

Teacher and President of the HFT Jaime Cutone appeared via Zoom to advocate for the teachers.  “We are in this together,” Cutone said, requesting the ratification of and support for the agreement. 

Raffi reported having signed the following:

  • School Bill for $61,162.82 (with $383.79 COVID related)
  • School Bill for $276,281.70 (with $255.36 COVID related) and
  • Cafeteria Bill for $15,564.44

The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 PM.  The next meeting is presently scheduled for April 1, 2021, unless it is changed to April 8 for a Public Hearing.  (Check the Town website for any changes.)

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One thought on “School Committee Meets with Governance Committee

  1. I’m disappointed that the statements made after the close of the meeting regarding Holliston teachers were omitted from this article.

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