School Committee: October 10, 2024 Recap

The Holliston School Committee (HSC) met on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Holliston High School Library. The entire meeting was recorded and may be viewed here:

The meeting commenced with a vote from the School Committee to set the Holliston High School graduation date to June 8, 2025. The vote was unanimous (7-0). Immediately following the vote was an update from HHS Principal List on the High School Scheduling Committee. The schedule changes are needed partly due to the additional fifteen (15) minutes of instructional time, but the High School is also looking at changing from a block schedule to a more traditional schedule. Changes to the schedule will be made with students, current faculty, and staff in mind. No additional positions cuts are planned as a result of the scheduling change. Principal List will have an update on the progress of the Scheduling Committee at the next School Committee Meeting on October 24th. (see minute 1:10 of video for discussion) 

Next on the agenda was a report from the Student Representatives to the School Committee. It was reported that October 4th was Homecoming, all fall sports teams at the high school have moved up in the rankings (including a few in the top ten), and that a voter information session will be held during DSB in the auditorium, presented by both the town’s Republican and Democrat Committees. (minute 8:15) 

Following the report by the Student Representatives were individual School Committee member comments. Two highlights from this were a reminder from Committee Chairman Daniel Alfred of the dedication of the Bob Nemet Sports Complex on Saturday, October 19th at 1:00 pm at Holliston High School and that at Town Meeting on October 21st the School Committee has a Capital Request for funds to repair the roof at Robert Adams Middle School. (minute 9:40)

Up next, we had a presentation from Dr. Joanne Menard and the Holliston Public Schools Curriculum Specialists. This presentation was quite informative on how the district utilizes reading and math assessment data to provide student interventions. (minute 12:07)

After a robust discussion with the Curriculum team, Director of Technology and Digital Learning Dan MacLeod provided updates on technology, and specifically use of AI and the importance of cybersecurity and how it relates to the Arches of the HPS Strategic Plan. (minute 1:58:40)

Continuing the discussion from the previous meeting, it was decided unanimously that  for the 2024-2025 school year Holliston Youth Basketball would be permitted to utilize the RAMS gymnasium beginning at 5:00 pm, subject to final conditions set by the administration concerning school security and other potential uses which may interfere with this timeframe. (minute 2:18:00) 

Finally, the School Committee heard reports from the Central Office Administrators. Superintendent Dr. Susan Kustka announced an Administrative learning walk at the Miller school as well as coffee hours to be held on October 21st at 9 am (HHS) and October 24th at 5 pm (also at HHS).  (minute 2:24:12)

A note to readers: This recap is by no means an exhaustive summarization of the School Committee Meeting. Please always feel free to reach out to any member of the committee with questions or concerns at any time.

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