In attendance: Chair Tina Hein, Vice Chair Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Updates and/or Discussion Related to the Special Town Meeting Posted for June 20, 2024 and Future Ballot Question Related to Override Request from Holliston Public Schools:
Special Town Meeting:
TA Ahern: The special town meeting information may be found here. Will be updated by Thursday with Finance Committee Recommendation.
Postcards have been sent and they have a QR code that brings you to the page which is translatable. There is also a link to the MOA which is hosted on the School Committee page but available through the link above.
A small addition was for an increase for 43 non-union employees. You will also see the history of Holliston’s override history. There is also information about tax reduction options.
The warrant specifically states the funds are to be appropriate in the event an override is passed. This meeting is only to authorize that appropriation.
A discussion ensued about the changes to the budget over five years in the event the override passes. TA Ahern explained those changes and advised he would be meeting with the Finance committee the following evening to present that information and get their input as well.

A discussion also ensued about the solar project with an explanation of the three components of the project. These programs are both private and public.
Town Clerk Elizabeth Greendale joined the SB at the table to provide an answer to the question of when the ballot question would be voted on. It appears that August 13th is probably going to be the best date and expressed an interest in not causing more confusion than necessary with the September 3, state elections.
TA Ahern stated that a few things have to be kept in mind. First, the ballot must be not sooner than 35 days after town meeting and must be complete by September 13th for submission to the Commonwealth to meet the deadlines for the FY25 tax levy.
Because the state primary is on September 3rd, it would cause a great deal of confusion in handling two different ballots at the same time.
TC Greendale also indicated that early voting (for the primary) begins on 8/24 which causes other issues with setting a ballot date as well.
TA Ahern – we do not have to make this decision tonight we can take it out to other stakeholders.
TC Greendale reminded the SB that if an election was called then only a court order could stop that from occurring, even if the election were contingent upon a positive outcome at Town Meeting. It’s also important to note the only “early” voting for a special election would be by mail, not in person. The cost of this ballot is estimated to be in the area of $17,000 – $20,000 because of required color coding to differentiate from the primary ballot.
It was pointed out that the ballot question could come before the Town Meeting and regardless of whether the Town Meeting (which is appropriations only) is successful.
The board is leaning towards an August 13 ballot date despite some of the challenges and concerns, because other options seem to be overly complicated. Another potential date is September 10th which has its own set of issues to be overcome.
Public Comment
Clerk Dimmick: There is urgency, and we understand there was a lot of hard work that went into this and it is appreciated.
VC Sparrell: Attended the Islamic Center this morning. Nice event and it was a community event attended by Representative Arena-Derosa and Congressman McGovern. Encouraged everyone to watch for upcoming Community Outreach events to attend.
Working on the Senior Center event regarding the Town Meeting to allow the people who go there to ask questions of the School Committee and Town Assessor.
Chair Hein: On Friday morning she’ll be attending the Legislative Breakfast allowing for the opportunity to hear from legislators as well as meet with leaders in other local communities to discuss regional issues and state matters.
We have a celebrity in our town, Chief Cassidy won the bronze medal during the Telly Awards — you can read more here. Thanks for representing our town so well and doing such a tremendous service for those who enjoy your storytelling.
Dan Alfred: (prior to public comment) Concern expressed due to the date that is being considered. Historically 58 percent of overrides pass, in August that number is 50 percent.
During Public Comments: Appreciate everything everyone is doing he feels that 9/10 would be a better option than 8/13. If that is doable it would be better overall and would increase turnout.
Appreciate VC Sparrell setting up the event at the Senior Center and is looking forward to participating.
TA Ahern: Following correspondence from the pubic:
Upper Charles Climate Action group regarding the Sherborn sustainability coordinator, they have a vacancy for a part-time position. We’re currently using an outsourced third party to provide professional technical resources. UCC has encouraged us to work with Sherborn and perhaps share resources. There are ongoing discussions and no promises have been made. There is potential for a shared person.
Two emails regarding concerns about development in Milford ensuring the SB was aware and wondering about any input the town might have.
Flag policy: Will the town be flying the Israel flag this week? Sent to Counsel. Currently there is no plan but will get feedback from Counsel.
Weekly Warrant
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the weekly warrant, 2nd by VC Sparrell, passed.
Comments from the Town Administrator
We’ve been trying to give project updates which can be found here.
Preview and Discussion of Potential Articles for the October 21, 2024 Fall Town Meeting
TA Ahern displayed the following:

Because of the extensive nature of items which will be coming up in October, we are anticipating a two-night Town Meeting.
Town Manager Act was postponed indefinitely, and TA has had some questions as to whether this will be revisited in October.
Chair Hein: Other comments from SB regarding Town Manager Act?
VC Sparrell: feels it is important and should be brought back up, does feel it warrants more discussion by SB members sooner rather than later.
Clerk Dimmick: generally bullish on this and agrees with VC Sparrell that this warrants additional discussion.
Chair Hein: would like to put on agenda for 6/17 or first July meeting. TA Agreed to do so.
TA Ahern: Additional possible October warrants:

Policy/Practice Advisory Committee discussion will be reviewed by Counsel and discussed at a later meeting.

Board Business
- Event Permit Farmers Market, 24 Water Street every Tuesday June 18th through October 15th from 3 to 7 p.m.
Motion Clerk Dimmick, 2nd VC Sparrell, passed
TA Ahern has provided one day liquor permit for signature, it was voted at last meeting
- Annual appointments of Boards/Committees
Several appointments were made on a motion by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell and passed. List to follow.
- Appointment (new) to Historical Commission – Katie Seekell
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to appoint Ms. Seekell through June 30, 2025 2nd by VC Sparrell and passed.
- One Day beer & wine license for Crafted – 216 Prentice Street June 15, 2024, from noon to 3:00pm.
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell and passed.
- MWRTA extension of contract (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025)
TA Requested this be put on hold pending some additional information.
- 121 Westfield Drive driveway widening request.
DPW recommends to not allow this by SB. No action taken by board.
- Park & recreation donation $300 from the Winters Family in memory of Joshua Taylor
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell, and passed.
- Senior Center Donation $500 from the Tiberio Foundation
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell, and passed.
- Mass DOT State reimbursement request – Complete Streets Engineering ($63,584.70)
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell, and passed.
- Meeting minutes April 16, April 24, 2024
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell, and passed.
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