Select Board Approves IMA for Dispatch Services

Holliston Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell called the December 19, 2022, meeting to order at 7:01pm.  Mr. Sparrell promised a “festivus” agenda in keeping with the holiday spirit.

Town Administrator Ahern provided a high-level review of Town projects completed, ongoing, or planned.

Work on these projects is weather-dependent.

The Board unanimously approved opening the Spring 2023, Town Meeting Warrant.  The Meeting will begin on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 7:00 pm and held at the Holliston High School.

The Board next reviewed the Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) with Holbrook RECC for Public Safety Dispatch services following Holliston’s Police and Fire Standard Operating Procedures. The Agreement is for three years from the “go live” date. The IMA has been reviewed and clarified by Counsel for Holliston and Holbrook RECC and Chiefs Stone and Cassidy support the agreement.  The Holbrook RECC will handle emergency AND non-emergency / business calls for Holliston Police and Fire as part of the agreement.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the IMA with the Holbrook RECC.

The conversation that began earlier regarding doing the “best for the Town’s current dispatchers and the best for the maintaining Public Safety service to the community through the transition” was codified in a proposed financial incentive package for Holliston’s civilian dispatchers.

Mr. Ahern covered the highlights of the package which has been reviewed by Labor Counsel:

  • Civilian dispatchers who stay on the job in Holliston through Dec. 31, 2023, would receive retention bonuses paid out in quarterly installments: stay through June 30th – $2,000; stay through Sept 30th – $3,000, and stay through Dec 31st – $10,000.  These payments would be prorated for part-time and per diem dispatchers.
  • Unused sick time (up to 90 days) will be paid at 25%
  • The Town will provide placement assistance throughout the transition period.

Members of the Board pointed out that the Police and Fire Chiefs along with the Town Administrator have proposed a very caring package of incentives / support.  This is an important step to support the dispatchers and public safety during what will be a long transition period.

The Board unanimously approved the proposed transition package.  The Board unanimously authorized Mr. Ahern to bring a request to the next ARPA Steering Group meeting to cover the expense of the transition package using ARPA funds.

Public Comment:

  • Mrs. Hein:
    • NO CHANGE in trash / recycling pickup during Christmas and New Year’s weeks.
  • Mr. Cronin:
    • Met with CoA / Sr Ctr leaders last week.  Director Lisa Borchetta has set a goal to achieve “Age / Dementia Friendly Community” State certification for Holliston -> Ctr. Assistant Director Amanda Boralessa-Looper has accepted a job with the US Government and will be leaving by the end of this month.Pay adjustments in the FY 24 budget may be needed to make Sr. Ctr. market competitive.When Mr. Keast was hired as Facilities Manager (FM) a three-year work plan had the FM adding the school facilities to his domain in the third year (July 2022).  Mr. Cronin wants to begin the dialog with key stakeholders to make this a reality in 2023.The five-member OPEB Trust met last week.  The Trust’s investment yields have extended the payoff from 2037 – 2040.  Holliston is one of the top 5 communities in the Commonwealth regarding the funding of this trust.
    • The OPEB Trust committee voted unanimously to include $1.25 million for the OPEB trust in the FY 24 budget with $250,000 be used for other priorities.  The Trust committee felt that the following sections of the Town’s Financial Policies supported their vote.  Funding at this level would extend the payoff two additional years.

Section X is below.  The OPEB Committee keyed in on the sentence beginning: “If a funding schedule less than $1.5 million . . .” as further support for their position.

The video of the OPEB Trust meeting can be viewed here ->

  • Mr. Sparrell: Select Board members individual performance appraisals of Mr. Ahern should be in to the Town Clerk no later than January 13, 2022.
  • Public: The following was sent to Town Administrator Ahern and posted on Facebook.

Citizen Jay Robinson (above) supports adding the school facilities to Mr. Keast’s portfolio.  Finance Committee liaison Jay Robinson will carry Mr. Cronin’s OPEB information back to the full Finance Committee.

Weekly Warrants: The Board unanimously approved the warrant totaling -> $1,948,712.22

Comments from Town Administrator:  Mr. Ahern provided the following updates to the Board:

  • The Menorah will be lit at 6:00pm Tuesday (Today) in front of the Town Hall.
  • The Holliston Schools Statement of Interest (SOI) has not been approved by the MA School Building Authority.  More details will follow.  Mrs. Hein asked that a Tri-Board meeting (Select, School, Finance) be set up in early 2023.
  • 36 residents received COVID vaccinations / boosters at this past Saturday’s Board of Health sponsored clinic.
  • The ARPA Steering Group will be meeting once / quarter in 2023.
  • Mary Bousquet attended her last OPEB meeting and was celebrated at a recent retirement party.  Mary will be working full-time through December 30th .
  • A Conservation Restriction (CR) for the Community Farm is working its way through the approval process.  The Select Board voted to delegate the authority to move the CR forward to the Conservation Commission.
  • The Town-owned EV charging stations behind Town Hall have been funded by a grant for the past three years.  The cost of electricity used from those stations is no longer covered by the grant.  The Board voted unanimously to install “Town Owned Vehicles Only” signs on each charger.  Mr. Ahern will work out a long-term plan for providing EV charging at a competitive rate for all Town-owned charging stations.

Board Business:  The Board took the following actions:

  • Unanimously approved an Employment Contract with Michael Cassidy, Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director, through June 30, 2025.  Mr. Ahern pointed to the fact that municipal standard is for a three-year contract.  Members of the Board said they were “proud to sign” the agreement with this “great asset for our Town.”  Mr. Cronin returned to the earlier discussion about doing the best for our dispatchers and now this contract does the same for the Chief / Emergency Management Director.
  • Renewed / Updated Annual Licenses: 17 Class I and II Car Dealers; 7 Liquor; 3 Entertainment; and 17 Common Victualers.  The Board thanked Donna Muzzy for pulling all the paperwork together.
  • Approved the Seasonal Population Increase Estimation Form (ABCC) and authorized its submission to the ABCC.
  • Approved an All-Alcoholic Beverage Permit January 7, 2023, Upper Town Hall by Boston North Bartending Service
  • Approved minutes from the: November 14, 2022; November 21, 2022; and December 2, 2022, meetings.
  • Accepted a $150 donation to the Senior Center from Big Help for Education

Other Business:

  • Mrs. Hein asked if Town Meeting could be held on a day other than a Monday.  The current by-laws set the specific day.
  • Mrs. Hein recommended that a representative of the CoA be on a ADA sidewalk committee when it is chartered.
  • Mr. Cronin wished all a Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas.
  • Mr. Sparrell shared the same holiday wishes and included “Festivus – for the rest of us”

There will be NO Select Board meeting next Monday.  The next meeting will be on TUESDAY, January 3, 2023.

The meeting adjourned at 8:13pm.

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