Select Board Fine Tunes the Fall Town Meeting Warrant

On Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Select Board (SB) Chair Ben Sparrell called the weekly meeting to order at 7:01pm.  Two significant topics were on the docket: continued refinement of the Fall Town Meeting Warrant, and an interim update regarding HFD’s actions taken since the recent organization evaluation.  Mr. Cronin was absent from this week’s meeting.

Town Administrator Travis Ahern led the Town Meeting discussion, leading off with the logistics for the upcoming meeting.

  • Review of Logistics:
    • Start 7:00 PM on Monday, October 17, 2022, at High School Auditorium
    • HCAF providing free childcare onsite (donations welcome)
    • Handicap Parking capacity (looking to temporarily increase the number of handicap spots near the main entrance)

Next up was a detailed review and discussion of the Twenty-nine Articles currently on the Fall Town Meeting Warrant.  Mr. Ahern provided the list below to the public while the members of the SB had the detailed text and funding associated with each Article.

The SB delayed voting on the Warrant, which Mr. Ahern felt was 97% done, until later in the meeting after the more thorough discussion of the Fire Department update.  The members thanked Mr. Ahern for his detailed work in pulling together the Warrant AND all the supporting materials to help citizens make informed decisions at Town Meeting.

Three Boards / Committees are meeting this Thursday to finalize their input to the Warrant.  Mr. Ahern plans to post the completed Warrant and supporting documents on the Town website on Friday, September 30, 2022 (Today).

Public Comment: None (citizen input on the Fire Department update was held until that agenda topic was opened)

Warrants:  The Board approved the weekly warrant totaling -> $1,937,970.65

Interim Update on MRI Report for Fire/EMS

Above, Fire Chief Michael Cassidy provides the SB with a second update on actions / results taken / achieved since his last update on July 18, 2022.  Some improvements have been noted, work continues to ensure that HFD’s ambulance service receives a 1-year license for 2023.

The Fall Town Meeting Warrant includes an Article to continue the revised pay scale for ambulance crew members to incentivize more coverage for ambulance calls.

Cassidy prefaced his remarks by stating that he is 100% to achieving the Advanced Life Support (ALS) licensure for the Holliston ambulance corps.  He also fully supports the recruitment of an Assistant Chief to lead the ambulance service.

Chief Cassidy reported that COVID related PPE has been moved from the main room at the Fire Headquarters so that meetings of fire personnel can be held once again.

The in-person training mentioned involved 36 members of HFD.  This is the first training to be held since the pandemic began.  The space is not yet available for public meetings / use.

Moving to the ALS level of ambulance service sounds like a little bit of which comes first – chicken or egg.  Paramedics must be available for all shifts (24/7).  Currently HFD has some paramedics.  Recruiting and retaining paramedics now might be aided by the new pay scale.  The market for paramedics is quite competitive.  Getting all the pieces of the ALS puzzle may take 3 – 5 years.  Making more livable dorm space at the Headquarters building will be ongoing.

The Board expressed its full support to the Chief and HFD overall and asked for another update in the November timeframe as the next license inspection gets closer.  The improving metrics point to better service for residents.  The Board asked Mr. Ahern to keep them apprised of the license inspection progress.  The SB also is willing to tap into other funding sources when needed to make progress on this vital service.

Three citizens added public comment: Liz Theiler, Chris Pierce, and John Crean (the last two being professional firefighter.)

All three commented on the fact that currently Holliston is the only municipal ambulance service that has a 6-month provisional license from the Massachusetts Office of Emergency Management Services (OEMS).  The excerpt below is from the OEMS website: 3010* Holliston Fire Dept. (PROV. LIC. 6/30/22-12/31/22) Basic

All three expressed their sense of urgency for getting our Town’s Basic license back in good stead.

At the conclusion of this discussion, the SB voted to approve the Warrant including any non-substantive changes needed before posting.

Comments from Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern shared the following:

  • The Holliston Council on Aging in conjunction with the UMASS Gerontological Institute has distributed paper surveys via USPS to all residents aged 55 and over.  The results will be used to better understand / meet the needs of our aging population.  Replying to this survey is not mandatory.
  • The MAPC is holding a public workshop on October 12, 2022.  ->
  • An update from MassDOT regarding the Washington St work has been posted on the Town website. MassDOT Rt 16/126 Construction Update – 9/27/2022
  • The Holliston Recycling Center will be open most Saturdays AND Sundays from November through January.  Look for specific dates in the near future.
  • Two letters are ready for the SB signatures to send on to the Governor formally requesting the release of $1 million from the Transportation Bond Bill and $10,000 for the Holliston 300th celebration.

Board Business:  The Board took the following actions:

  • Approved the DPW Snow & Ice Rates for 2022-23
  • Appointed Sara Zarrelli, to the Historical Commission, term to expire June 2025
  • Accepted a $400 donation to the Senior Center from the patrons of the Superette
  • Signed the contract with Pine Ridge Street Light as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.  The quote of $277,777 is below the previous Town Meeting allotment.
  • Approved the minutes of the August 29, 2022, and September 7, 2022, meetings.

Other Business: None

The meeting adjourned at 9:40pm.  Don’t forget next Monday’s Town Meeting preview at 7:30pm.

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One thought on “Select Board Fine Tunes the Fall Town Meeting Warrant

  1. If you or your family member are seriously ill and require a paramedic on the ALS equipped ambulance, be prepared in Holliston to wait longer for that ambulance because it will come from outside Holliston. For the week of Sept. 9th to 15th Holliston waited for outside ALS ambulance 11 times and that does not include the number of ALS ambulances required for the deadly crash that resulted in the death of an 8-year-old boy. The week of Sept 16th to 22nd outside ALS ambulances were required 4 times.
    Yet the Fire Chief stated there was an 89% reduction in outside help, but this was for the BASIC services which Holliston has provisionally and as I understand was reported by the state to have outdated and not the required pediatric equipment, part of the reason for the PROVISONAL SIX MONTH LICENSE even at the basic level. Your tax rate is higher than Ashland, Hopedale, Hopkinton, Medway yet we do not have the health safety services for all ages that they do.
    It is the health and safety of your family at stake, let your voices be heard on this important issue. We deserve better!

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