Select Board Approves Final Change to the Fall Town Meeting Warrant and Authorizes Its Posting

A brief meeting of the Holliston Select Board was convened at 9:01am on Friday, September 30, 2022, for the purpose of approving the final Warrant for Fall Town Meeting to be held on October 17, 2022.

The Board met remotely and was all smiles as they admired Mr. Ahern’s sartorial splendor on what is normally a casual Friday.  Mr. Sparrell read the remote meeting statement as a preamble to the discussion.

The business at hand was the news, received Thursday, September 29, 2022, that the New England Appliance Group had formally withdrawn from the Tax Incentive Financing agreement with the Town.  NEAG has found an alternative building that allows for occupancy in early 2023.  The Board expressed its disappointment and plans to meet in the future with Lynn Tokarczyk the consultant that worked with NEAG to learn from this experience.

The Board voted unanimously to Open the Fall Town Meeting Warrant, remove what was Article 24 (the proposed NEAG TIF agreement), add final language from Thursday’s Planning Board and Governance Committee meetings, and Close the Warrant.  By doing so, the Board authorized Mr. Ahern, the Town Clerk, and the Constable to Post the Warrant on September 30, 2022.

The Board and Town Administrator recommend that citizens attend the “Town Meeting Preview” scheduled for Oct. 3, 2022, 7:30pm; (Upper Town Hall and Zoom and recorded) agenda and meeting link -> October 3rd Select Board Agenda The plan is for the Moderator to provide a brief overview of how Town Meeting works and then for Q&A related to the remaining articles.  Background materials will be available to help answer questions.

The meeting adjourned at 9:17am.

The October 17, 2022, Town Meeting Warrant and supporting documents are now posted here ->

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