Select Board Meeting 09/05/2023

Historical Commission
The Historical Commission went before the Select Board to discuss the need for an inventory of
buildings that have historical value and are located within the Village Commercial district.
Commission Chair Frank Chamberlain and member Sara Zarrelli explained that Mass Historic
has a grant program to provide a professional consultant to develop the historical
documentation needed on each building. The Historical Commission is hoping that the
proposed sewer project in the Village Commercial area will bring economic viability to the area
while protecting the historical appearance.

A good, professional inventory is the first step. “The level of documentation is exacting and
there are many hoops to jump through. This is not something that we can expect volunteers to
do,” Ms. Zarrelli explained.

The Commission asked that a $15,000 request be placed on the warrant for the October Town
Meeting. If Holliston’s application is successful, Mass Historic will match those funds and
provide project management, a consultant, and technical assistance in developing the
inventory. The inventory can cover buildings, burial grounds, special landscapes, monuments
and more.

The Select Board voiced support for the project. Tina Hein thanked the Commission for being

Celebrate Holliston 2023
Theresa Lamkin and Lisa Deering presented the Board with maps of the layout for this year’s
Field Day, which will NOT be on Green Street at Goodwill Park. Instead, it will be in the area of
Railroad, Central and Church Streets, with performances in the pavilion at Blair Square.
The maps shown here are of the 1) booth areas and 2) the parade route, which will be shorter
than usual. Another change this year is that there will be food trucks instead of the traditional
food tent. People can park at the schools on Woodland Street.

Field Day Locations

Washington Street will be unaffected, and the Rail Trail will be open for regular use. The event
will run from 10 to 3:00 on September 23. Parade lines up at schools.
There will be no rain that day, according to organizers.

Parade Route

Warrant for Town Meeting
The Board will meet with the Park Commission and the Council on Aging next week about items
for the warrant, and the following week, they will meet with the schools. The warrant closes on
September 15.

A local shop that sells beer and wine wants to pursue a full alcohol license, which would require
Town Meeting action and then special legislation through the state. Two other businesses in
town have gone through the process successfully. The owner is expected to make a
presentation at Town Meeting.
The Town Administrator warned that the Town Meeting, which is on October 16, is the earliest
ever. That might make a very tight timeline to certify Free Cash and publish the warrant
according to requirements, but everyone will do their best. It is possible that the warrant will
not have all the recommendations in place at time of printing. They will be offered on Town
Meeting floor.
Town Administrator Comments
The dam and bridge project on Woodland Street might be done in 2024, but there are four
different agencies that must certify approval of the project after construction, and that could
delay opening until 2025, which is the original project end-date . At this point, it seems possible
to fund the project entirely with state money. To track this project and all the others, go to the
website. Other projects include the Central Street water main and Fiske Street culvert project
and the Turner Road culvert repair. All are expected to be done for winter.
The TA reviewed the upcoming calendar of events that the Reporter had published.
Board Business
The Board approved minutes, accepted a $400 donation to the Senior Center nutrition program
from the Holliston Superette, and agreed to permits for Celebrate Holliston, 9/23/23, Ernie’s
Run (softball tournament) 9/9/23, the Historical Society Fall Fair on 9/17/23, and the Senior
Support Foundation’s Yard Sale and Fair on 9/9/23.
9/11 Ceremony
Chair John Cronin reminded folks that there will be a special ceremony honoring the victims of
9/11 on Sunday, September 10, in Upper Town Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Next Meeting, Monday September 11, 2023.

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3 thoughts on “Select Board Meeting 09/05/2023

  1. Public comments not mentioned in report?
    Public comments were always included in past. Opportunity to have residents have a voice in their town government.
    Perhaps an oversight?

    1. Thank you for your comment. We cannot always capture everything that occurs at the meeting. The full meeting recording is available on the town website.

Comments are closed.
