Select Board Meets: June 21, 2021

Holiston Reporter

Chair Tina Hein called the June 21, 2021 meeting of the Holliston Select Board to order at the appointed hour.

Woodland Street – Heavy Commercial Vehicle Exclusion (HCVE) Education & Enforcement Update

Holliston Police Chief Matthew Stone updated the Board on the activities undertaken to date to alert and educate drivers that HCV are not allowed on Woodland Street.  Business owners on Woodland and the Lowland Industrial Park have been notified of the imminent change.  Chief Stone indicated that businesses have been receptive to the heads-up.

Below, Town Administrator Ahern displays the two signs that will be placed one over the other at strategic locations in the coming days.  Following the education period, enforcement actions will be taken when appropriate.

The Town is awaiting action on six other HCVE requests pending with MassDOT.

HPD Service Dog Discussion

Chief Stone discussed the concept of adding a Community Resource Dog to the ranks of the HPD.  This dog would serve in a variety of comfort / care situations.  A priority of HPD is community interaction. Chief Stone stated that such a dog could “break down barriers and create more community interaction.”  Stone commended Officer David Charette who has been leading the charge on this valuable resource.  Nearly $10,000 has been raised via a GoFundMe drive.  

The Board asked Chief Stone to return to the Board with more details on costs / resource needs related to adding this service dog for our Town.

Future Use of 260 Woodland Street – Discussion and Information Gathering

The Board discussed some ideas for the use of the vacant Town property at 260 Woodland Street. Given its proximity to the schools and rail trail, the Board would like to see a use that complements those areas.  Three possible uses are: a dog park; a skate park / Pump Track, or a rest area along the trail.  After input from some community members, the Board requested that a Survey be put out specifically regarding the use of 260 Woodland St. looking for feedback on the options that have been mentioned or any new suggestions.

Warrants:  The Board approved the weekly warrants totaling – $3,473,335.69

Public Comment:

  • All three members of the Board congratulated and thanked Bobby Blair and all who helped to make Sunday’s Inaugural Farmer’s Market happen.
  • Mr. Sparrell put out a call for volunteers to manage the Butterfly Aviary at Pinecrest.  If interested, please contact Mr. Sparrell
  • Mrs. Hein thanked Holliston’s Sustainability Coordinator Matt Zettek for spending his Sunday at the Farmer’s Market talking with citizens about the Clean Energy Challenge.

Comments from Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern provided the following updates to the Board:

  • Five strong candidates for Asst Town Administrator will be interviewed this week.  If all goes as planned, the new Asst. Town Administrator would start in August 2021.
  • The ARPA Steering Group members have been identified and will be meeting soon.
  • There will be a pre-construction meeting next week with the contractor hired to do the drainage / paving in Mudville.
  • On July 12th the Board will hold a Public Forum on the 9 Green Street project.

Mr. Cronin passed along to Mr. Ahern citizen complaints about the water main project on Winter Street. Ahern will follow up on the issues.

Coronavirus Community update: Commonwealth Extension of COVID-19 Measures Regarding Open Meetings

In a change, IT Director Chris Meo (above) sat at the table while Chief Cassidy ran the slide show.  Mr. Meo apprised the Board of a technology solution that would allow the Town to take a hybrid approach to public meetings.  At the same time this approach would empower boards and committees to run their own Zoom meetings – thus reducing the load on the IT department.

Meo shared Zoom usage information to date which shows the public participation in the Town’s Board / Committee meetings.

Since the use of technology participation has been approved by the State through April 2022, a more distributed mechanism is needed to bring the resource to more meetings.  Meo proposed the “Mobile Meeting Room” pictured below.

Director Meo recommended purchasing 5 units and deploying them as shown below.  He reported that in conversations with Department heads, they saw this resource as a training tool along with use during meetings.

The Board approved the purchase of the 5 Mobile Meeting Rooms at a cost of $2,000 / unit for a total of $10,000.  The expense would be an eligible CARES Act expense.

CARES Act / ARPA Programmatic update

Finally, Chief Cassidy got to his seat at the table.  He asked the Board to consider if it was time to reduce the amount of high touch / high use cleaning that has been in place at all Town facilities.  The Board felt it was premature to do so with the Delta COVID variant on the rise around the country.

Cassidy reported that the Town’s ARPA application was filed Monday at 2:15 and an acknowledgement that funds will be forthcoming was received by the Town.

Board Business:

  • Approved a contract extension with MetroWest Regional Transit Authority
  • Approved a One Day Beer & Wine License – Crafted at Arcadian Farms Summer Kick-off. June 26, 2021 from noon to 3pm
  • Approved Common Victualler’s Licenses for: Boston Honey Co., The Corner Market, Out Post Farm
  • Accepted $100 Donation to the Senior Center from Vonnell Stahl
  • Accepted a $2,000 Donation to Youth & Family Services for Mental Health support from the Holliston Lions
Outgoing Lions President Matt Putvinski presented the Lions Club donations to the Board – and announced a $1,000 to the Community Service Dog fund. Overall, the Lions were still able to raise over $30,000 during the pandemic year!
  • Accepted a $2,000 donation to the Holliston Tax Relief Fund from the Holliston Lions
  • Approved the minutes of the June 1, 2021 meeting
  • Signed the Thistle Dew Farm APR – Closing Documents

Other Business: 

  • No change in the Trash/recycling for the week of July 5th.
  • Hazardous waste day July 10th 
  • Pizza with Police this Wednesday June 23rd at Bazel’s from 2 – 5pm.
  • Designated John Cronin to represent the Board on the OPEB Board.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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