School Committee Capital Requests
The school committee presented a set of slides with information about their capital requests and other projects of interest to the schools.
Several questions were asked about the primary capital expenses since it has been a while since the curriculum was updated. You can read more about the budget requests for the school committee website by following this link. A further discussion occurred regarding the licensing of curriculum.
Several questions were asked about the primary capital expenses since it has been a while since the curriculum was updated. You can read more about the budget requests for the school committee website by following this link. A further discussion occurred regarding the licensing of curriculum.
School Committee Request for Warrant Article to Establish Special Education Stabilization Fund
While there is no set amount for this, it is anticipated the School Committee will be seeking these funds in the fall. These funds would be primarily used to help bridge the budget gap for special education.
The hope is that one-time stabilization fund may be set up with small increments added to the fund on an annual abasis.
We’re asking the SB to allow an article to be put forward at the upcoming Town Meeting to create a special education stabilization account.
Tina mentioned some unflattering comments about the town being unwelcoming to business which she asked members of the committee to address, particularly since the committee would be following up their presentation to the SB with a similar request to the Finance Committee.
While this part of the discussion was very difficult to hear (you can attempt to play it from the video recording by fast-forwarding to 1:29 on the video) the committee explained their frustration with budgeting and the overall tax stance of the community. (specifically residential versus commercial tax base)
Review of Other Draft Warrant Articles
Draft for Rebeca which will be prepared before the end of April since it’s a by-law requirement that it be doe via public hearing before the town meeting.
Edited to add clarification from Town Administrator Travis Ahern:
Rebeca Lane needs to be accepted by Town Meeting as a public way. The Planning Board follows a statutory process to ensure the road is ready for acceptance and the Select Board will have a public hearing as well
Public Comment
John: Looking forward to having residents of Fawn Road and business community up in Lowland next week. It’s been six months since the last town meeting. We’ve been attempting to address traffic issues and other activity in the area through actions taken by this bo9ard and administratively. We’re looking forward to hearing from both sides how things are going.
The finance committee voted on something which was in conflict with the proposed policy of the SB. John has been in contact with the chair and there is ongoing dialogue and some common ground which has been found. Discussions will continue.
John has received some feedback for language for changing Town Administrator to town manager (this is the original language). This language has been shared with other boards who could be potentially impacted by these changes and we’re hoping for their feedback, as well as their support at Town Meeting.
Richard Morris from Parks & Recreation asked for he SB help in finding a sponsor for an art project at Blair Square – specifically painting the doors on the pavilion which could be a suitable public art presentation. John asked him to put together a scope, share it with his board and with us and we can try to help.
FY2025 Budget Recommendation – Select Board (Level 3)
Travis will be meeting with the Finance Committee to present a change which does not impact the bottom line. This is right sizing the contribution for insurance based on the new actuarial tables. This continues to come down based on enrollment and the increased use of high-deductible health plans. Now that he has the first three months of billing, he’s able to project expenses for the rest of the year.
Travis also discussed the pension stabilization fund and what assumptions were made based on actions taken in prior fiscal years.
Motion made to reduce the contribution to pension stabilization fund by $130,000 by Ben, seconded by Tina, motion passed.
A discussion then occurred regarding potential uses for the freed-up funds. Ben made a motion to increase the DPW budget by $50K and the ambulance budget (specifically overtime) by $80K, Tina seconded and the motion passed.
Comments from the Town Administrator
Travis did a brief rundown of the open positions and whether there was sufficient people to fill them. There are openings on some committees with no one having drawn papers. Close date April 2.
Contract Awards
Washington Street Sidewalks – Eastbound from Elm Street to Cole Court, Westbound from Winter Street to 671 Washington Street, including ADA improvements and granite curbing – PJ Albert (July 8, 2024, to August 30, 2024 duration) NTE $442,995
Washington Street Repaving, milling and overlay – between Curve Street and Locust Street (April 8 to May 3, 2024 duration, 8PM to 5AM “night” construction due to traffic mitigation) NTE $201,633
Motions to accept both contracts made by Ben, second by Tina and passed.
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