Select Board Recap 06/05/2024

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I apologize for the delay in posting this — I had the wrong post date on it and did not realize until today when I posted the newest meeting. I will reserve the newest one for Friday.

In attendance: Chair Tina Hein (in person), Vice Chair Ben Sparrell (Remote), Clerk Damon Dimmick (Remote) and TA Travis Ahern (Remote)

Hybrid Format Act read by Chair

Vote to Close & Post Warrant for Annual Town Meeting – Agenda item is dependent on actions from Select Board agenda for June 3, 2024; Warrant presumably posted on Thursday, June 6, 2024 for a minimum of 14 days prior to a June 20, 2024 Special Town Meeting (with June 25, 2024 as alternate date)

The MOA was signed on May 23, triggering the need for an override. On May 24, the School Committee requested formally, in writing, that the SB call a special town meeting to appropriate $1.126 million for the increase in the Holliston school budget.

By law, the warrant must be opened for 48 hours. So tonight the purpose is to close the warrant. Tonight the 48-hour window closes.

In between Monday and Wednesday, the finance committee met, and we have their feedback. There were no additional requests or petitions received.

Clerk Dimmick – No additional comments

VC Sparrell – the only other piece which has not been resolved is the date of the actual ballot. That is the only other piece outstanding.

Chair Hein – we are actively engaged in working out the details of the ballot and as soon as possible we will share that information and the date with the public.

TA Ahern – all information currently available can be found at this link. Postcards will be sent out to all residents as well. All necessary information including the MOA, the override impact on property taxes, etc. will be found on this page.

Chair Hein — a moment to thank everyone who made the effort to make this work – too many names for me to list here!

TA Ahern – backup date in the case of an emergency is June 25.  The override is the question, and the Town Meeting is for the purpose of using a future ballot authorizing a vote to override Prop 2 ½ for FY25. This must be accomplished by 9/15.

There is currently a ballot scheduled for 9/3 but the town clerk has indicated this may be complicated since it would involve two ballots and a complicated process. We’re still working on a good date for the override ballot but understanding this is a challenging time with the end of summer.

If approved, signed, and dated, then the Clerks office and Constable will have it immediately posted in all locations required in our ByLaws. Finance committee recommendations will be ready on 6/13.

Chair Hein: we’re taking the “slow, long, and detailed” approach versus confusing and chaotic. We’ll make sure that information is communicated as soon as feasible.

We are taking the complete school committee request along with an additional $44,000 for HR budget.

VC Sparrell: I think it’s important to include this as part of the warrant to maintain as much equity as possible across our organizations.  It’s important to include as part of this process and part of this warrant.

Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to close the warrant, 2nd by VC Sparrell, passed.

Other Business

Chair Hein and VC Sparrell were in attendance at the Finance Committee meeting last night and it was agreed that $3,000 dollars from one budget would have to be transferred to cover the costs associated with mailing of postcards for notification of Town Meeting.

The funds will be moved from the benefits budget which currently has a surplus and moved to “Select Board Communications” budget item.

Comment from VC Sparrell: Would like to know what the impact of these postcards is if we have the data to support such an inquiry.

TA Ahern: We are not tracking this but the first time we used postcards was October 23. In May 24, we had 440 participants at Town Meeting and many left after school business was voted on dropping count to around 260. Started surveying on why they are interested in town meeting and how they learn about town meetings.  A thank you to Chris Mayo who has deigned and ordered these postcards. These are way to ensure that every household is notified given the loss of the banners on Washington Street as discussed on Monday night. We’ll also be piloting a translatable (non-voting) ability to participate via Zoom using AI in approximately 50 languages.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to move $3,000 from excess funds in benefits to select boards communication.

Motion passed.

VC Sparrell is working on making an open forum at COA available.

Chair Hein reminded everyone there will be a Q & A at Coffee Haven on the 8th hosted by the School Committee.

TA Ahern mentioned the Housing Production Plan Meeting. Information is available on this link.

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