I apologize for the delay in posting this — I had the wrong post date on it and did not realize until today when I posted the newest meeting. I will reserve the newest one for Friday.
In attendance: Chair Tina Hein, Vice Chair Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Update from Town Clerk on Select Board Recount (June 3, 2024, at 9AM)
(from TA Ahern As Town Clerk is not in attendance) Recount confirmed election results (Damon Dimmick by one vote – all recount figures matched election day results).
Request for Special Town Meeting (STM) for an Operational Override
Dr. Kustka and two school committee attendees discussed the new teacher’s contract as well as the request for a special town meeting to allow for a vote (by ballot) on an override for Prop 2 ½.
Chair Alfred made an initial statement from the SC and why they are looking for the override and explained about teacher pay, change of school hours, and more.
SB members strongly recommended the SC reach out to the Council on Aging to help answer questions and address concerns.
Public Comment
Several comments were made regarding the timing of the override, the cost of a special town meeting, and the cost of a special election and how these things fit into the current budget. There was also a discussion about what the override would mean in terms of increased taxes, particularly for those on a fixed income.
Cost of special town meeting will be covered from existing funds. It is within the FY24 budget.
The dates are being worked on for ballots and could cost between $11K and $21K. There are no funds in the budget to send out the postcard communication, but TA Ahern will be working on this. The Finance committee will have the final say on this.
A motion was made by Clerk Dimmick to set the date of June 20th would be the special town meeting (information regarding this is found here) and open the warrant tonight with closing on 48 hours later on Wednesday.
Comments: there was some discussion to ensure that the override met the entire needs of the SC MOA so that there would be no need to fund from other sources within the town and that signing the teacher’s contract would not negatively impact other town services by forcing budget cuts in upcoming years.
There was also further discussion regarding the COLA increases for non-union employees to ensure they do not fall further behind their union counterparts.
Chair Hein: Had a discussion regarding the special election which has to be accomplished within 90 days which leaves the November election date out. The ballot question has to be resolved by 9/15 to be in compliance with the Department of Revenue.
Public Comment
Clerk Dimmick: No change in Trash collection week of June 16.
VC Sparrell: had an opportunity to attend the Pride events at Blair Square. Wonderful event and positive. Thank you to those who put on the event, it was a beautiful event.
Chair Hein: For those who are unaware, there was a large land donation to MA Audubon Society just over a year ago. Holliston Historical Society will be hosting MA Audubon to share information regarding what will eventually be Broad Hill Wildlife Sanctuary.
Dr. Theiler: Regarding cost of meeting and changes in property tax increases if the override passes.
Tracey McSherry: there was discussion at a recent meeting regarding eliminating mail in ballots (saving approximately $6k). This may be a savings but costs more in terms of democracy. She would like to see that cost included because it’s important and every vote matters.
Chair Hein: the SB is committed to continuing with mail in ballots as appropriate.
(Name Missed): question posed as to whether the additional funds for non-union payroll would include Fire/EMS
TA Ahern: the budget and pay for Fire/EMS was updated at the most recent Town Meeting and will not be impacted.
Weekly Warrant(s) – A/P & Payroll
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to pay the weekly warrant, 2nd by VC Sparrell and motion passed.
Comments from the Town Administrator
TA Comments:
Newsletter went out (TA) (Kathleen Buckley) which had a number of things contained including vice chair and pride month events. It also included a list of opening on boards and committees.
A more definitive list of openings will be available next week.
Numerous requests regarding intent for the Town Manager article which failed at May Town Meeting. Work should be started on this sooner rather than later because the October Town Meeting is likely to be two nights.
June 10th Fiske Street area resident asked about possibly putting a bench in and TA will take care of getting further information.
Chair Hein: Is June 30 the liaison assignments? (TA: Probably)
Board Business
- Rushford and Sons one day Beer & Wine every Tuesday June 18th through October 15, 2024, at the Farmers market on Water Street from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Brian, the owner of Rushford and Sons appeared to get liquor permit for 4pm to 8pm with tip certified bartender for beer and wine only. Looking forward to participating in the Farmer’s Market – the new time is 3pm to 7pm. TA Ahern advised them they will also have to deal with an event permit (including event permits). Motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrow, passed.
- Lions Club Common Victualler License for the Carnival July 10th through July 13th 370 Hollis Street (High School)
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrow, passed.
- Class II dealers license update Holliston Auto Village to Holliston Auto Village LLC.
Mot6ion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrow, passed.
- Requests for use of message board(s) given Verizon disallowing use of cross-Rt. 16/126 banner program
TA Ahern will introduce this: For use for event since banner is no longer available. Since the cease-and-desist order there is still a need for some sort of advertising and we have no alternative at this time.
Farmers Market, Diverse Holliston and two others have requested use of intermittent signs. We have three or four currently in use at any given time. We need to establish some parameters for use of this. We know it can work, but it will not mirror the banner program. We will have to develop a policy and should we (a) replace the banner or (b) working on a new policy. TA is asking for permission to use his discretion over the summer until such time as the SB can develop a policy.
Chair Hein expressed some concern over doing this. TA Ahern indicated that it would still be possible to do this by ensuring anyone using this will be made aware there could be no guarantee of 24/7 coverage.
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to allow TA to determine use of signs subject to SB override for promoting town events. (Short Term solution)
VC Sparrell 2nd the motion:
Discussion by VC – would like to amend the motion to include the development of a long-term solution.
TA will put together a suggestion and bring it to the floor next week.
Motion passed with amendment.
- Approval of use of municipal lot (Exchange St) for Town contractor use during June 2024
Comment has been made by a resident wondering when the lot might be available for business visitor usages.
Clerk Dimmick made the motion, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
- Event permit June 8, 2024, Block party 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. School Street
Clerk Dimmick made the motion, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
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