The Holliston Select Board (SB) met on Monday, March 21, 2022, to conduct its weekly work on behalf of the citizens. The meeting was called to order by Chair Tina Hein at 7:00pm.

The first order of business was to invite Emergency Management Director, Fire Chief Michael Cassidy (below) to his customary seat at the table to provide an update.

Chief Cassidy provided a wide range of information:
- The Final CARES Act spending report is being audited now for submission by April 1, 2022 – no joke.
- The first ARPA spending report is due April 30, 2022.
- The ARPA Steering Group will hold its next meeting on April 4, 2022.
- Holliston remains in the Green category on the States infection dashboard – currently 8 active cases.
- When asked about the new Omicron variant seen in other parts of the world and what it might mean to us, Cassidy assured residents that we are in a good place with regard to the pandemic / endemic.
- A second booster shot is not needed for most people – high-risk individuals should check with personal physician.
- With the SB’s recent action to declare Holliston’s ARPA grant eligible for the revenue loss category, the reporting of expenses will be easier. The Town will continue to use the ARPA Steering Group rigor to allocate remaining funds.
- Face coverings on public transit continues through April.
Warrants: The SB approved the weekly warrants totaling -> $1,061,000
Public Comment:
- Mr. Cronin:
- Wished everyone a Happy Spring
- Met with CoA Chair and Sr. Ctr. Director to receive an update on recent actions and upcoming events. A new Sr. Ctr. Outreach / Transportation Coordinator will start on Monday, March 28, 2022.
- Mr. Sparrell:
- Attended last week’s CPC meeting; CPC approved two grants that will be voted on at the May 9, 2022 Town Meeting.
- Mrs. Hein:
- Attended last week’s School Committee (SC) meeting. The SC approved its FY 23 Operating and Capital Budgets. The SC will meet with the SB in early April to review the Capital requests.
- Public: None
Comments from Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern provided the following updates to the SB:
- Mr. Ahern will be attending the “Two Steps Forward Against Antisemitism” virtual summit of MA Town leaders next Monday.
- The School Committee will attend the SB meeting on April 4, 2022.
FY2023 Budget Review & Deliberation – Operating & Capital

Following what was described by Chair Hein as a robust discussion, the Select Board voted by a 2 – 1 margin to recommend the TA’s recommended budget (two right columns above) PLUS the addition of the 26th police officer requested by HPD Chief Stone and the creation of a Grounds Division within DPW. Mr. Ahern shared several options for moving / removing funds and reducing the amount moved to the Capital Expenditure Fund to cover the SB’s action.
The SB reviewed the list of Capital Expenses planned for inclusion on the May Town Meeting Warrant. The list below has not changed from last week.

The Board did not need to take action on the Capital Budget at this time.
The Board expressed their strong appreciation for the way Mr. Ahern has compiled the budgets – noting that this year’s process / budget were a step up from last year – and can’t wait for FY24!
2022 Annual Town Meeting – May 9, 2022 (and needed subsequent nights that week)
- The Board voted unanimously to have the May Town Meeting start at 7:00pm for each night of the May meeting.
- Warrant Review – Mr. Ahern provided the Board with an explanation for each of the 41 articles on the Warrant as of today at 4:00pm when the Warrant closed.

The Board voted unanimously to close the May Town Meeting Warrant – with the understanding it can be reopened for edits in the future.
There may be some Articles that can be lumped into a Consent Agenda. The Citizens Petitions signatures have been certified. The citizen petitioners will be invited to meet with the SB in the near future to discuss the proposed articles.
Board Business: The Board took the following actions:
- Approved the minutes from the February 22, 2022, meeting.
- Accepted the $1,500 donation to the Parks & Recreation Summer Concert series from the Newcomers & Neighbors Club
- Approved the Youth Baseball & Softball Parade on Sunday, May 1, 2022.
- Endorsed deeds for Mohawk Path, Indian Circle, Mayflower Landing
- Approved a Memorandum of Agreement for streetlight installation to be completed by the builder along the above listed streets.
Other Business:
- Mr. Cronin encouraged residents to check out the most recent update on the new water filtration plant -> March 1, 2022 Project Update on Central Street Water Filtration Plant
- The Board approved a late addition to the agenda – a parade permit for Holliston Veterans to march to the dedication of the new Iraq / Afghanistan monument on May 14, 2022.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
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