Select Board Recap 07/15/2024

Review Request for Update to CY2024 Flag Schedule

A Holliston resident requested the flag of Israel be flown on July 24th when President Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress in line with US flag code when a foreign leader addresses congress during a time of conflict.

The opinion of the Select Board was the schedule is set (and may only be amended in January) and they were not willing to make this modification.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the change, no second occurred, motion failed.

Review of October 2024 Fall Town Meeting Preparation

A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the fall Town Meeting. It is highly anticipated this meeting may have to occur over two nights to accomplish everything that must be covered. One of the lengthier discussions may be regarding the MBTA 3A Zoning and it’s important for residents to gain a full understanding of what this may mean for Holliston. More information on this important matter may be found by following THIS LINK.

Because there are still several items to be finalized the final information for this town meeting will not be placed on the town website for the time being.  The current plan is to open the warrant 8/5/24 and close 9/16/24.

Review known article requests and/or recurring articles is underway.

Review of Envisioning Future Holliston (EFH)

All information which has been trimmed down and compiled can be found by following THIS LINK.

Item(s) of interest, discussed at July 9, 2024 EFH meeting – including, but not limited to, the establishment of a Policy Advisory Committee (which is Item #4 in the plan)

Melanie Fine indicated that it is important to remember that this is part of the strategic plan. It was uncertain whether the Policy Review Committee needed a separate Town Meeting article of whether the structure of the EFH which was established through a Town Meeting allowed them to assemble such a committee. It was pointed out that this question would require an answer from Town Counsel as to whether EFH can establish the committee, the SB could establish, or it needs a separate review during Town Meeting.

A discussion took place regarding the language, accountability, and other information regarding this section.

Ultimately it was agreed the draft would go to Town Counsel with two options: The Advisory Board created by Town Meeting and the Advisory Board created by Select Board. Once feedback is received from Counsel it will be shared with SB and with EFH.

Public Comment

Chair Hein met with Vin Murphy (Finance Committee) and product has been shared with TA regarding financial policy.

Chair Hein advised of meeting with DOT District 3 on July 22nd regarding traffic safety (specifically Washington Street) and hopes that someone will attend.

  •  congratulated the new detective for Holliston PD (former Resource Officer in Holliston).
  •  advised of Community Event at Holliston Historical Society (Community Sing) on July 26th beginning at 6pm. Flyer available on Historical Society website (link here)

Clerk Dimmick – Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday August 3rd 8am to 12pm or until capacity is reached. Will be held at the Adams School; all cars must approach from Placentino School.

  • the 300th Anniversary Book is still on display at Town Hall and encourages people to check it out.

Lori Markoff – regarding MBTA 3A – she has the ability to write up a piece which the board would need to approve to educate the public about the 3A  housing plan. This would help people get advanced information and this would provide advance and accurate research.

SB agrees this is a great service that is offered.

– regarding Advisory Committee for EFH – glad it is in the plan, and that it is actually happening. EFH has no authority to hold any boards and committees to accepting their recommendations.

Pam Zicko – regarding a prior meeting when someone called her out for making a public comment they felt was “not previously discussed and therefore out of line”. She pointed out that public comment is for ANY comment.

Vice Chair Sparrell – it’s important for everyone to understand public comment time at SB meetings is for any resident to express their concerns or opinions about anything going on in town, not necessarily just agenda items.  Residents must feel this is a safe space for them to share their thoughts.

TA Ahern has offered to draft language to include in future agendas (subject to SB approval) so people understand the intent of public comment.

Weekly Warrants

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve two warrants for FY24 and two warrants for FY25, 2nd by VC Sparrell, passed unanimously.

Comments from the Town Administrator

ZipTrip Visit Prep. – Friday, July 26, 2024 (6-10am) setup time is 2am INFO HERE

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to close Town Hall on July 26th with staff working remotely to allow for easier access to the ZipTrip participants. 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.

TA Ahern congratulated Chris Mayo our IT person for a Cybersecurity Award.

Jasper Hill – an easement was approved by SB for one unit and there are now four units. Planning board will be meeting on Thursday to discuss this and will need SB to determine how to work this out.

Robert Walker will come to the SB for Touch a Truck (Sponsored by Town) and safety on Washington Street crosswalk.

Also reminder to all groups and organizations in town Celebrate Holliston is interested in partnering for events for the community during the anniversary. Information can be found by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

Family Move night is coming on the 23rd at the Park. More info on Celebrate Holliston website.

Board Business

  • Sign Special Town Election Warrant for Sept. 10, 2024 (voted to approve ballot on 7/1/24) – SIGNED
  • Finalize FY24 Line-Item and Reserve Fund Transfers as approved by Select Board on 7/1 and Finance Committee on 7/9 – SIGNED
  • FY2025 Contract Extension for Weston & Sampson for Sustainability Professional & Technical Services (NTE of $51,500) – Still possible to jointly share a coordinator with Sherborn. Only concern being conflict of interest with grant applications. However because many of these grant opportunities are favoring regional applications this would be an added benefit. – Motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell to extend the contract – Passed.
  • MWRTA Contract Renewal FY25 – Increased annual compensation from MWRTA to Revolving Fund – TA Ahern has successfully secured a 30% increase across the board from MWRTA. Motion made by Clerk Dimmick 2nd by VC Sparrell – Passed.
  • Pinecrest Cart-Port Contract – Block Builders, Inc. for $221,904.42 – James Keast reported that the golf cart fleet at Pinecrest has only a few electric carts. This year, NE Golf has decided to go completely electric. The carts need storage and charging area. The good news is there will be NO gas carts at the facility, the port will hold the majority of the carts and the rest will be stored inside. Cart port will be powered by solar panels. Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the contract, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
  • Cystic Fibrosis – Cycle for Life (October 2024) -1 day event permit – 1 day liquor permit at Fatima Shrine – Waive fees on liquor permit
  • Motions made by Clerk Dimmick and 2nd by VC Sparrell, all motions passed.
  • Appointment Kelley & Ryan (company) Parking Clerk and Deputy Collector for a 1-year term –
  • Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the appointment, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed
  • Common Victualler’s License, Dream Breakfast and Lunch, 770 Washington Street. (transfer from Bar Athena without liquor license) –
  • Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the license, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed
  • AP Associates Norfolk Street improvements contract, fixed fee $292,800 –
  • Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the contract, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed
  • Meeting Minutes May 2, 2024, May 6, 2024, and May 28, 2024 –
  • Chair Hein made a motion to approve the minutes, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed

James Yeast: Here is the link to obtain information and purchase rain barrels

TA Ahern: Here are the goals set by the SB for FY 25:

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One thought on “Select Board Recap 07/15/2024

  1. Glad the town administrator will propose language to understand the intent of public comment. Hopefully this will also eliminate the two minute restriction for comments. This restriction does not encourage public participation. It is my understanding that the language was inserted not as a time clock but as a means for the chair person to stop inappropriate language.

Comments are closed.
