Select Board Recap 09/30/2024

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In attendance Chair Tina Hein, VC Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern

There are some proposed changes to the draft Town Managers Act including from the Library Trustees, Finance Committee, and School Committee.

These board Indicated there is a desire to adjust some of the language.

The Finance Committee agreed to a compromise of the language which VC Sparrell worked with Counsel and FC on this. The Finance Committee has not voted to accept the language, but the feeling is they are agreeable to this language.

A brief discussion ensued about various positions and how they are impacted by the Town Managers Act and why changes were not made then.

School Committee feedback wanted to make sure that the Town Manager’s Act did not include the School Committee (and while it may be part of MA Law, they still prefer the language be added).

Change the language of hiring certain positions from “in consultation with” – agreement reached to use “consensus” language. Library Trustees have not yet agreed on this language.

Chair Hein complimented VC Sparrell regarding his efforts to work with these boards and committees.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to accept the changes in the Town Managers Act. VC Sparrell 2nd the motion – passed.

Sewer Commission Amendment

TA Ahern explained why this is important for establishing the sewer district. The establishment allows for further action to be taken to establish the sewer district. If this is not done in October at the Town Meeting, then the SB would be responsible for creating the sewer district. He feels this is the most logical step.

A discussion ensued regarding the sewer district guidelines, who may be able to take advantage of sewerage, and whether changes would result in additional changes to bylaws (unforeseen consequences). Additional discussion took place regarding the appointment of the members to the sewer commission.

Clerk Dimmick made the motion to establish the sewer commission, 2nd by VC Sparrell, passed.

Factory Pond Dam

There was a disappointing development on the dam project, which was scheduled to begin the bid project in November, the Town was denied a grant for the dam due to a holdup in permitting. This resulted in a $1million shortfall for the project. This is now far more complicated than it would have been.

There is still a possibility of getting the dam funding, but rather than delay the project further, it is recommended we take funds from reserved funds to ensure the project timeline remains intact.

Motion made to include the article for funding for Factory Pond Dam made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell, passed.

A review of Article 5 changes since last printing of the warrant. Capital budget was adjusted – motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell to accept the revised budget. Motion Passed.

Review of Article 20

It was pointed out that currently the Moderator has this right, but it’s assumed rather than specified. This would specify. 

Another discussion occurred regarding legal non-citizen residents participating on Town Boards and committees. Outside of the School Committee, there does not appear to be restrictions.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to accept this item for the warrant, 2nd by VC Sparrell, and passed.

Additional discussion of other articles unremarkable. Clerk Dimmick made a motion to accept the warrant – 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.

The following motions were made by Clerk Dimmick and 2nd by VC Sparrell:

  • To close Recycle Center on Marshall Street on 10/26 (Saturday) and open on 10/27 (Sunday) instead to minimize traffic during soccer games
  • Approve I.W. Harding contract for Pinecrest for holes 2 through 8 for cart path and drainage improvements
  • Appoint of Sarah Morrissey to the Conservation Commission for a term ending June 30, 2026 (replaces Matthew Clark)
  • Appoint of Erin Collier to the Community Farm Advisory Committee for a term ending June 30, 2027
  • Accept a donation to Veterans Services for their emergency fund from the Knights of Columbus $7,500

All motions passed

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