In attendance: Chair Tina Hein, Vice Chair Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Flag Policy – Calendar Year 2025 Schedule Discussion
The Town’s Flag Policy and Calendar Year 2024 Schedule can be found here:
Draft Calendar Year 2025 Schedule
Discussion of Policy Statement Regarding the Eligibility of Residents for Boards, Committees and Commissions Appointed by the Select Board
The background on this conversation is essentially that Massachusetts law does permit legal non-citizen residents to serve on appointed boards, but not elected boards. Municipal boards specifically in committees unless specifically prohibited under some circumstances.
NOTE: This is a DRAFT and subject to change
VC Sparrell thanked Clerk Dimmick for bringing this forward. Feels it is a plus for the community to have these voices represented.
- How do we determine if someone is a legal resident? We would like to avoid creating an additional administrative burden.
- What is a “primary residence”? Voters registered to vote then Holliston is their primary residence. How do we determine how this should work?
- Also complimented Clerk Dimmick on his advocacy. Feels language is good, just need to work out some of the finer details.
Clerk Dimmick – agrees that establishing primary residence may be challenging since people often own multiple properties and/or spend a portion of their time outside of Holliston.
A discussion ensued about discussing some of these issues with Town Counsel as well. Other communities have done this and currently (with some exceptions) we do not require someone to be a registered voter to participate on some of these committees we are discussing.
TA Ahern indicated we have some town policies in place which align with not identifying someone as a primary Holliston resident.
Chair Hein indicated her mother served as a founding member of Youth Committee as a non-citizen of US. Today, they are now a multi-generational Holliston family.
Thanked Clerk Dimmick for the thoughtful approach he has taken to this and his advocacy. Also asked about timeline for implementation. TA Ahern said once adopted it would become part of the routine call for volunteers for committees.
VC Sparrell asked for a friendly amendment to the language to remove “primary” from residence, and to ensure that all stakeholders were asked for feedback/input regarding implementation.
Clerk Dimmick — Next steps: amend language, have Town Counsel review language, discuss with Town Clerk and staff.
Chair Hein offered words of encouragement and thanks to Clerk Dimmick for always looking towards the greater good of the community and encouraged him to continue doing so.
Weekly Warrant(s) – A/P & Payroll
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick and 2nd by VC Sparrell to approve the weekly warrant, motion passed.
Public Comment
Barbara Fritts Worby — would like to once again ask the SB to reconsider the flag policy in restricting flags which are not US to only Blair Square. We’d like to allow the Pride flag to be hung at Town Hall. Reminds SB that they collected numerous signatures to request this change.
Went on to describe an incident at the Library during remembrance day. Also expressed her concern that while the SB is supportive, we still have residents in town who feel unsafe. There is additional concern with the new Federal administration incoming.
Robert Principe — regarding policy advisory committee (which is later in agenda): would like to see language further modified to include “and/or anyone who has experience doing DEI assessments”.
Also add language to the training for understanding town governance formation to include “training on how to look at policies and procedures through a DEI lens”
Laurie Markoff — first comment is to indicate her support for comments made by Barbara Fritts Worby about people in town feeling less safe.
Regarding appointment of non-US residents to appointed town committees: “is it possible (legal) to have elected committees, have a non-voting member who is a resident but not a citizen?
TA Ahern mentioned this was discussed but overall the concern was one of equitability where you would have a board member who had a voice but no vote. This could potentially lead to unforeseen problems.
Robert Principe — going along with discussion of non-US citizen residents, keep in mind many communities are applying for home rule exemptions, and he’d like to see Holliston getting on that list.
Also indicated his support for the comments made by Barbara Fritts Worby.
Tracey McSherry — putting support behind Barbara Fritts Worby and asking that the SB consider adding the Flag Policy to an upcoming agenda for further discussion/potential modification.
Chair Hein: In response what she’s heard tonight:
My public comment was in response really to what I’m hearing from members of the community tonight. In this public comment I would encourage anyone who feels that they are experiencing hate crimes of any sort to contact the police. If your safety is feeling threatened or in question contact the police, we have excellent resources within the police department, and they will respond to your calls for help, assistance, guidance, support. So again, if someone’s listening to this call, and they feel that they need help in addressing acts of hate.
Barbara Fritts Worby — I just wanted to respond to that offering of the resources in the community appreciate you, reminding everybody that the police department is available in housing services. I also do want to remind you that the police department and nothing specific against anyone in our police department. I want to be very, very clear about that. But in general, historically, the police have not been a safe place for the LGBTQ community. They are the ones that attacked us at Stonewall, and that is so. The likelihood that someone who is feeling unsafe in our community, even if a crime has not been committed, feels like they’re being watched, or the engines are being revved up at them, which I have heard happening.
Recruitment of Sewer Commission Members
This is a mockup of the call for volunteers:
Encourages board to consider ensuring one person is an engineer. A discussion took place regarding appointments, requirements for experience, etc. While the SB members feel an engineer would be helpful it was agreed that this should be a preference and not a requirement.
TA Ahern will make the requested changes and schedule for release – reminds the SB it will be their task to make said appointments.
Recruitment of Policy Advisory Committee Members
School Committee is on board with their role. These are external to the committees, not necessarily a member of existing committee.
Revised language proposals were discussed. There was some discussion regarding having the recruitment materials prepared and tweaking the language further as the policy advisory committee was developed.
There was also a discussion ensuring the language of the preferences/requirements of serving on this committee was not too stringent to result in a less diverse board.
Tax Rate Hearing (FY2025) to be held Nov. 25, 2024 at 7pm at regular Select Board meeting with Board of Assessors
More information will be found here: Tax Classification Hearing
Timeline update on Solar Project at Capped Landfill on Marshall Street
There has been a lot of equipment – this is being installed and the disruption should be minimized shortly.
Currently regular calls ongoing with the consultant. Onyx anticipates wrapping up early next year.
You can read more here: Marshall Street Solar Field
Charlie Yon and Seth Miller have been appointed to Economic Development Committee to fill two vacancies.
Holiday Stroll is on November 30th. More information can be found here
TA Ahern and VC Sparrell will be on the trolleys during the later part of the day.
ARPA steering group is winding down their work. Meeting on 12/5 and will have recommendations for the SB on 12/9.
Humanitarian Awards will be done on 12/9.
Town awarded a grant to provide a plan for solar panels on roof for two schools. This grant will be finished by Samson.
Board Business
Request to lift moratorium prohibiting street-cutting on newly constructed or re-constructed pavement less than 5 years old, except in cases of emergencies (148 and 154 Union Street) – originally discussed by Select Board on 11/4/24.
Driveway permits for two (2) driveway openings at 148 and 154 Union Street (stormwater and land disturbance permit approved by Planning Board – originally discussed by Select Board on 11/4/24.
Chair Hein is leaving the meeting due to a potential conflict on these two items. Developers of the property have joined the SB at the table.
TA Ahern addressed the delay and stated under what circumstances a lift would typically be granted (emergency or hardship).
VC Sparrell asked for explanation of hardship on behalf of builder:
“Basically, he’s acquired this property, and there’ll be 4 more years of the recurring, and he would have a $230,000 capital investment ongoing taxes and insurance about $24,000 and has a carried cost of about $86,000 (total investment approximately $110,000). For four years you would be able to do absolutely nothing with the property and then have it tied up along with the money.”
After a lengthy discussion motions were made by Clerk Dimmick to approve both items listed above and 2nd by VC Sparrell. Both agreed to the motions.
Chair Hein rejoined the meeting.
Meeting Minutes September 23, 30th and October 3, 2024
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve both sets of minutes, 2nd by VC Sparrell and passed.
Appointment of Melissa Deutsch as an alternate member of the Historical Commission through June 30, 2025
Chair Hein read a letter from Ms. Duetsch about her interest. Motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion carried.
Chair Hein reiterated the information regarding the Humanitarian Awards, and also encouraged everyone to read about prior awards.
Clerk Dimmick brought up the fact he feels a need to get up to speed regarding the flag policy – brief discussion took place.
Executive Session – Reason 3 – Strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining (PEC)
Clerk Dimmick made a motion for the SB to adjourn to executive session with no intention for further open session. Motion 2nd by VC Sparrell, meeting adjourned.
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