Select Board Recap October 7, 2024

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In attendance: Chair Tina Hein, Vice Chair Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern

Means-Tested Senior Exemption – Percentage Approval – Board of Assessors recommendation (voted 9/30/24) is to adopt 50%   –

Mr. Rudden and Mr. Marshall joined the SB at the table to explain why they felt the amount was warranted including the tax override which passed recently. When the state last studied “Holliston” (2021) there were 294 people who could have qualified. As of today, only 12 have applied, and 11 have qualified. Even with the reduction, someone facing a $6700 property tax bill would still be paying $5,400. This impacts residential properties only.

The requirements for qualification which are quite generous and in fact, more people should be taking advantage of this program. Also clarified the town could offer up to 200 percent of the exemption amount offered by the state but because this is the first year it was agreed we should start smaller to ensure we are not impacting the tax base too heavily or putting the town in a position where they will suffer shortfalls (one town offered 200 percent upfront and had no “off ramp”). Reminded the SB that the Town Meeting in May authorized this, and that it has to be reauthorized every three years at Town Meeting.

More information about eligibility for this program can be found using this link on the Assessor’s section of the Town website. A thanks was also called out to Rep James Arena-DeRosa who helped shepherd this bill through the State Legislature.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to accept the 50 percent proposed by the Board of Assessors. 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.

October 2024 Fall Town Meeting (FTM) – Review of Materials and Warrant posting

  • Finance Committee Recommendations
  • Supplemental materials and website
  • Postcards to Holliston residents notifying of Fall Town Meeting

All information discussed may be viewed on the Town website using this link.

Additional information will be available Friday and will be posted as well. There were some changes which were out of the control of the Town, (having to do with Zoning) and planning board needed to make changes in discussion with Town Counsel.

VC Sparrell indicated he had been working to make the explanation of the Town Manager’s Act less “technical” and address some of the questions which (a) have been asked and (b) may be asked. He loves the executive summary but feels like it’s not as “voter friendly” as it could be. Chair Hein indicated it would be her preference to discuss this under “other board business” and stick to what the TA has published to date for this discussion.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the draft materials to post to the Town of Holliston website (link above to ensure the residents of Holliston have time to review them prior to Town Meeting.

A discussion ensued about allowing non-voting, non-US residents, but residents of Holliston and their ability to serve on appointed town boards. TA Ahern explained we have no current restrictions even on elected boards that someone had to be a registered voter. It may be left up to the SB to determine how this issue is to be handled going forward, but in general, the board feels that anyone who is interested (regardless of the status of citizenship) should have a voice if they are a Holliston resident. This issue will be coming up more in the future and it bears following because this issue is being discussed in various communities.. It is important to note this applies to legal residents (holding green card and/or pending citizenship) and there would be a requirement that someone prove their primary residence is in Holliston.

Motion by VC Sparrell to authorize Clerk Dimmick to develop a Town Council policy statement allowing all Holliston Residents to be allowed to serve on  boards and committees  excluding any which require voter registration. Motion 2nd by Chair Hein, motion passed.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to authorize the costs associated with postcards mailed to voters to inform them of the Town Meeting along with “amenities”.

Interrupting agenda:

  • One day Liquor License for the Black Harp at 1070 Washington Street (Willowbrook Farm) on November 30, 2024 from noon to 7:00 p.m. for the Holiday Stroll

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve, this passed.

Weekly Warrant(s) – A/P & Payroll

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the weekly warrants. Second by VC Sparrell, motion carried.

Public Comment

VC Sparrell commented about the School Start time committee and said it was a lively discussion. Ground rules were set, what needs to be accomplished and who is best suited to do that.

Chair Hein indicated a memorial service was attended by herself and VC Sparrell at the invitation of the Rabbi for the October 7th memorial.

Safe routes to school (walk, bike, roll) and she’s looking forward to this event. Event reminders have been sent out.

She also expressed her thanks to Bobby Blair (photos below) for the addition to Ahronian Way and CVS area for flower plantings (Marigold Project). His never-ending efforts to beautify Holliston are appreciated.

Town Administrator reminded SB they were invited to the American Legion, VFW & Lions luncheon on 11/11.

Other Board Business

Rail Trail Dog Waste Pickup – Review of Proposed Costs and Planning from Transition from Volunteer Service

The RFP went with these instructions

This is anticipated to cost $4,000 to $6,000 annually. The RT committee may be able to cover this for FY 25 but forwarding this will have to be absorbed by the town. Will be working on a path forward for this.

Georgianna Woods joined via Zoom (as did Phil) and indicated which stations have to be prioritized.

It was agreed that Friends of the Rail Trail should be involved in the final decision and both bidders have experience handling this type of detail. Everyone agreed that we need Friends of the Rail Trail should/must have input on this information before accepting any final bid to allow for an informed decision.

SB will ask TA to work with Friends of Rail Trail and make sure we get the right prop0sal nailed down and figuring out what works best for the town and the usage of the trails.

Motion made by Clerk Dimmick and 2nd by VC Sparrell to approve this action.

Recycling Center Hours of Operation – Oct. 2024 to January 2025

funding is in place for opening Marshall Street and allows the Town to generate some income from recycling metals. We are considering adding days to the schedule — Mr. Walker submitted a recommendation to the SB.

Motion made by Clerk Dimmick and 2nd by VC Sparrell – motion passed.

Other Business

  • Warrant for State Election – Nov. 5, 2024
  • One day alcohol beverage permit for the Veterans Day luncheon on November 11, 2024 in Upper Town Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Request to waive the One day alcohol beverage permit fee for November 11, 2024 for Veterans Luncheon
  • One day beer and wine License for Rushford and Sons Brewhouse, LLC on Sunday November 3, 2024 from 11a.m to 4 p.m. at the Open House at the Water Street Mills 24 Water Street
  • One day Liquor License the Alcohol Enthusiast on October 12, 2024 at Outpost Farm Prentice Street from noon to 3 p.m.
  • JOMASO Class Trip LLC Limousine/Livery no objections to operate out of Holliston
  • Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2024

Motion(s) made by Clerk Dimmick and 2nd by VC Sparrell and passed.

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