At 7:01pm on Monday, February 6, 2023, Holliston Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell called the meeting to order offering an informative agenda.
The first topic was the presentation and execution of PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) Agreement for the private solar development at 39 Marshall Street. Below, Principal Assessor Kevin Rudden presents the proposed 20-year renewable agreement. The PILOT covers the solar array on the property. The Town will receive annual fees of $147,169.
The Board authorized the PILOT agreement and the bill for the first payment will go out shortly.
Town’s Solar Project Update –
Mr. Ahern shared that there is no additional work required before the all-important Interconnectivity Agreement with Eversource can be received. Ahern expects that the Town’s Solar partner, Sol Systems will be able to report shortly that the agreement has been completed.
FY2024 Budget Review
- Council on Aging / Senior Center (01541): $287,029 (+4.76%)
Senior Center Director Lisa Borchetta presented the Sr. Ctr., as approved by the Council on Aging, citing increasing energy costs as a key part of the budget’s increase. Borchetta cited participation statistics from the Sr. Ctr along with the proposed budget. CoA Chair Yvette Cain joined the conversation to share the CoA’s endorsement. Members of the Select Board thanked Borchetta and Cain for all they do on behalf of Holliston’s senior community.
- Youth & Family Services (YFS) (01542): $174,093 (+5.30%)
Youth and Family Services Director Jackie Winer presented the YFS proposed budget. One item that increased in the budget was a part-time Drug Free Community coordinator position. This position is part of the Town’s match to the 5-year “Drug Free Community Grant” of $125,000 / year. Youth Advisory Committee Chair Matt Putvinski supported the proposed budget. Members of the Board thanked Winer for all that she has done for the Town – especially during the pandemic.
- Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) (01176): $11,088 (-0.56%)
John Love, Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals presented the proposed FY 24. There were no questions regarding this budget.
- Conservation Commission (ConCom) (01171): $66,246 (+3.44%)
Conservation Agent Ryan Clapp presented the budget for the ConCom. One item of note is that the Office Supply budget proposal includes funding to purchase Mr. Clapp a new office chair that is not held together with duct tape! The Board thanked Clapp for his continuing efforts in support of conservation in Holliston.
- Building Inspector (01241): $231,256 (+2.1%)
Building Inspector Mark Kaferlein presented his department’s proposed FY 24 budget. The budget includes funds to continue to use a part-time inspector to back up Mr. Kaferlein during peak times. The Board shared its appreciation for the Building Department.
The Board approved the budget requests as presented. Mr. Cronin asked the Town Administrator to provide a breakdown of proposed Department Head salary increases across all departments. Mr. Ahern will provide the requested data.
Following the budget reviews a brief discussion of Holliston’s FY2024 State Earmark requests was held. Members of the Board provided some preliminary ideas. Mr. Ahern will draft a list in the future. The Board hopes to have State Senate President Spilka and State Rep DeRosa attend a S.B meeting in early March related to State support for Holliston.
Public Comment:
- Mrs. Hein:
- Attended the School’s Priority meeting last Thursday. She commended the caliber of educators that are the Schools’ Administrators.
- Working with consultant Beth Greenblatt and Sol Systems President Rennie Friedman, Sol Systems has agreed to continue its annual scholarship program for HHS seniors promising an additional $5,000 funding for the program.
- Would love to see the Town hold “Grand Opening” ceremonies as major projects (Solar, Blair Square, etc) are completed.
- Mr. Cronin:
- Met with the Parks Commission and Director Mark Frank:
- Very impressed with the vision, planning, and energy of the Parks Commission
- Would the Town property be a good location for Pickle Ball courts? Convenient parking needs to be solved.
- The Town’s new Grounds Division has been a major improvement for parks.
- Toured one of Holliston’s Cannabis growing facilities to learn more about the business / industry.
- The Capital Working Group now includes representation from the School Committee. Members from the S.B., FinCom, and Schools are working and talking about how best to accomplish the many capital projects the Town faces.
- Met with the Parks Commission and Director Mark Frank:
- Mr. Sparrell:
- Spoke with Rich Rosenberry, representing the Upper Charles Climate Action group about getting an article on the May Town Meeting Warrant.
- The OPEB Trust is meeting on Tuesday (TODAY) at 5:30pm.
- Is meeting with the Schools regarding the inclusion of School facilities within the Facilities Manager domain.
- Public: None
Warrants: The Board unanimously approved the weekly warrant totaling -> $787,894.07
Public Hearing – Change of Managers for Bertucci’s Restaurant LLC
The Public Hearing was opened at 7:45. Below, Chris Bagwell, the incoming manager joined the meeting to answer any questions from the Board and public. Members of the Board expressed their support for Bertucci’s and wished Mr. Bagwell success. No members of the Public spoke during the Hearing. The Hearing was closed at 7:48pm.
The Board unanimously approved the transfer of Manager at Bertucci’s with all the related licenses that go along with that role.
Comments from the Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern provided the following:
- Update on Governance Committee Summary Report – The Summary Report will be finalized by the Gov. Com. this Thursday with probable presentation to the Board at its February 21, 2023, meeting.
- MetroWest Visitors Bureau Discussion – The Board reviewed a memo in support of Holliston joining the MetroWest Visitors Bureau (annual fee $800 or $1,200). The memo is also being reviewed by the EDC. The Board generally supports the membership.
- Town Accountant Sharon Emerick has accepted another job. The job vacancy has already been posted with hopes to have a replacement sometime in March. Mr. Ahern is exploring engaging a third-party to run the daily operations until the replacement arrives. Best wishes to you Ms. Emerick.
Board Business: The Board took the following actions:
- Approved a contract with Weston & Sampson for the DPW Facility Phase II Engineering: Included in the contract is: evaluation of available properties; schematic design of the new facility; and decommissioning the existing DPW facilities. Total cost: $465,000 (below the amount approved at the October 2022 Town Meeting). Mr. Cronin requested that the project be expedited so some preliminary data is available for discussion at the May Town Meeting.
- Approved a One-Day Beer & Wine Permit May 27, 2023, Upper Town Hall, Bon Fete, Inc. for the Spina Wedding Anniversary
- Approved the minutes of the December 19, 2022, meeting.
Other Business: None
The meeting adjourned at 8:57pm
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