Senior Center Begins to Welcome Classes Back

Holiston Reporter

In the beginning of July, the Holliston Senior Center began to open its doors to programs and classes previously presented on Zoom.  The Writers’ class, watercolor class, yoga, and Zumba  are among those now experiencing a total live or hybrid reintroduction.

Roberta Weiner leads a Yoga session.

I, for one, had happily welcomed my instructors into my home through the virtual world of my computer during the pandemic.  Roberta Weiner never lost a minute of time in transitioning her senior yoga classes to the Zoom platform beginning in March of 2020.  For months I and my yoga buddies rolled a mat onto a family room, bedroom, living room, or, in my case, office floor twice a week and happily provided namaste greetings to one another online.

Walking into the Senior Center in July to see live friends rolling out their mats, checking for good spacing, adequate breathing room, and a good view of Roberta was both joyous and odd.  For so long exercising solo, would it be possible to live without stopping to answer the door, phone, spouse’s question, or nature’s call during the one-hour class?  I’m happy to report that we all made it through our first class and quickly returned to the pre-pandemic practice of breathing in a room without many personal distractions. 

Lourdes Fournier leads Zumba.

Zumba instructor Lourdes Fournier provided the energy every new or returning student needed.  Some of us—me included—chose not to pursue virtual Zumba, so this was where the rubber met the road…could I ever resume pre-pandemic Zumba finesse, or would I fall over my feet and return home defeated?  Lucky for me, Lourdes is a fabulous instructor—patient with those of us with less developed dancing skill— instructing carefully, modeling repeatedly, and singing us through the hard parts. 

The hybrid class presents the instructor with yet another challenge.  Not only are they teaching the class live, but they also must be aware of the view of those taking the class virtually.  For Lourdes, it is a constant adjustment to check that her students on computers can see her feet.  Otherwise, the hour is a real challenge for anyone trying to guess what her legs are doing while only seeing her arms!  In the photo above you can see one of these “adjustment periods.”

These and other steadfast and skilled instructors begin the migration back to the Senior Center.  It will take time for all to complete the migration.  Some participants will continue practice as usual in their homes.  Some will make the step to join in person.  Thank you to all those teachers and leaders who learned new technologies to bring these programs to us, and who will use the sometimes challenging hybrid method of  gathering with us. 

And for those of you wondering—yes, the Monday and Tuesday morning baked goods pickup has begun!  Baked goods supplied by Milford’s Stop and Shop bakery will be delivered around 9 AM to the hallway by the pool room.  Thursday pickups are coming soon as well. 

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