Study Abroad Opportunities for High School Students

Qualified high school students are offered a unique opportunity to explore the world by spending an academic year, semester or summer in Europe, Asia, North or South America, Australia or South Africa as part of the ASSE International Student Exchange Program. A non-profit, public benefit organization, ASSE is dedicated to promoting closer ties of friendship between the United States and other countries by fostering intercultural understanding through youth exchange programs.

Students, 15 to 18 years old, qualify on the basis of academic performance, character references and a genuine desire to experience life abroad with a volunteer host family. Prior knowledge of the host country’s language is not a requirement. Scholarships are available and are based on academic performance, leadership skills and financial need.

Female tourist relaxing by the sea. She is looking at the beautiful town Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Families abroad are carefully screened, and students do not need to know the language of the host country prior to departure but will acquire the language skills through experiencing the day-to-day local culture and attending regular high school classes along with their new teenage friends.

ASSE also provides the experience of a lifetime to American families who are interested in hosting an international student from Spain, Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Thailand, Japan, and many other countries. These exceptional young students will attend the local American high school for an academic year or semester.

Students or families interested in learning more about becoming an ASSE exchange student or host family should contact ASSE at 1-800-733-2773, visit or send an email to


ASSE International (formerly American Scandinavian Student Exchange) is a non-profit, public benefit, organization (ID# 95-3034133). ASSE is designated as an Exchange Visitor Program by the U. S. Department of State, was founded by the Swedish Ministry of Education and cooperates closely with the Canadian Provincial Ministries of Education.

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