Publishers’ note: Today we introduce The Select Board Quarterly in the interest of our community: to keep citizens informed, to highlight actions of our town government, and to serve as a basis of conversation. Many thanks to the members of the Board who have graciously agreed to the concept of a Quarterly, and especially to Select Board Clerk, Tina Hein, who compiles and coordinates information for this production. Your comments about this new feature are encouraged. The following three questions will be used in this as well as subsequent Quarterly Updates.
What did you wrap up during the past quarter?
- Performed managerial compensation adjustments in order to remain competitive in the hiring market and plan for a future of improving institutional knowledge and skill levels within Town departments
- Developed the framework
of studies and plans for Board priorities of improved public safety, public
works, and horizontal infrastructure
- Met regularly through liaison network with Department heads, Committees to understand issues and concerns
- Met with consultants to consider dam repair versus replacement, with a focus on addressing Holliston’s extreme weather event/flooding vulnerability
- Refined of Facilities Manager position to include detailed job description, duties, and evaluation metrics
- Started phase II of the downtown lights project with one-year re-evaluation of volume counts and timing impacts
- Toured the High School with State level stakeholders, for consideration of renovations, repairs or upgrades to the High School
- Developed Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) plan and subsequently received State certification, clearing the way for MVP grants
- Received Green Community Grant award
- Endorsed purchase of Agricultural Preservation Rights for Thistle Dew Farm, thereby preserving open space and promoting agriculture in Holliston
What are issues you are presently working to complete?
- Preparing for Town Meeting
- Reviewing amendments to the Solid Waste and Recycling contract, for possible inclusion of small businesses and condominiums on the public way.
- Reviewing proposals for composting and textile recycling services
- Reviewing proposals for the landfill solar project from three great companies; including possible reduced electricity rates for low income households, sheep grazing for maintenance of the field beneath the solar arrays, and community kiosks for public education
- Developing job description, duties and evaluation metrics for a Sustainability Coordinator position
- Creating a Traffic Advisory Committee
What do you foresee in the months ahead?
- Hiring a Facilities Manager and Sustainability Coordinator
- Developing an Asset Committee to improve collaboration among Boards and Committees with the purpose of advancing Town-wide and community supported goals
- Implementing studies and plans that address Board priorities by ensuring robust and balanced budget discussions with all departments, committees, and Boards
- Selecting landfill solar project developer
- Pursuing opportunities with Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School, and the MVP Action grant programs
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Thank you for this report. I am looking forward to more in the future.
Very helpful to those of us who cannot/do not watch every meeting. Thanks.
Thank you, Holliston Reporter, for the commitment to informing Holliston residents!