From Holliston Department of Public Works
Central Street Water Filtration Plant
During July, most of the major equipment were started and tested individually. Filtration system was tested and operated in manual mode. Fire protection and fire alarm systems were tested. All the disturbed areas were loamed but will be reseeded in the Fall. The fence and gates were installed. Final pavement course was placed on the access road and parking areas near the building.
Delivery of the remaining Input/Output (I/O) cards for the Main Control Panel (MCP) had been previously postponed and the delay may continue for a few more months. The MCP is the heart of facility’s automatic mode operations. It triggers automatic starts and stops, allows different components to communicate with each other, receives and stores process information for review and trending, monitors water quality parameters, detects trouble alarms for local indications, and transmits alarms for remote notifications.
The plan for August is to complete minor remaining tasks including preliminary punch list items, continue with startup for rest of the equipment and conduct manufacturer’s training for the operators. Once the delayed components are delivered and installed, the entire MCP will be tested to ensure all instrumentation and control equipment are working and adjusted properly. It is then that the overall plant operations can be tested for treatment.
Mudville Sidewalk / Road Construction
The Mudville project has progressed to the point that all the roadways and sidewalks (95%) for the entire neighborhood are accessible and in use.
All the granite curbing has been installed, new sidewalks have been constructed, and driveways aprons have been re-graded and paved where necessary. The exception is two isolated areas on Spring Street where grades at two driveways require adjustments for the sidewalk to cross these two driveways. All the concrete wheelchair ramps throughout the neighborhood have been poured, including the ramps at Washington Street. Roadways, sidewalks, and driveway aprons are all in binder (first coat of pavement). All disturbed walkways have been reconstructed to the back of new sidewalks or granite curbing as necessary. Some disturbed areas have been loamed and seeded but some other areas remain to be restored. The remaining work is limited to regrading and placing binder at the two driveways in Spring Street and three remaining driveways in School Street and adjusting/regrading and paving the driveway opening at the bank in Exchange Street.
All disturbed lawns will be loamed and seeded in the fall. Any previously loamed areas with weeds will be reseeded as well.
Other than another week of construction activities to complete a number of remaining tasks, there will not be much the Contractor can do until poles are relocated by Verizon. We anticipate that once these remaining tasks are completed in the fall, the Contractor will leave Mudville until such time that the poles are relocated. The project team has been in contact with Verizon, but no schedule for installing the new poles yet.
To view the most recent updates on these and all projects underway in town, please go to -> http://Information on Town Projects
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