While most of us were hunkered down as of March 16, 2020, the work of town government continued uninterrupted as the paid professionals and unpaid officials met via Zoom and even conducted hiring procedures for several positions. Here’s what they have to say about trying to start new jobs during COVID. We asked the same questions of all of them. This installment features Lisa Borchetta, Senior Center Director.

Senior Center Director, Lisa Borchetta
When did you start in your job as Senior Center Director?
I began on April 5th, 2021.
What have the biggest challenges been during COVID?
The ever-changing Covid landscape was indeed challenging for the Senior Center, as the staff needed to quickly shift and pivot to find ways to continue to provide essential services to the older adult population here in Holliston. But they did so beautifully under the direction of former Director, Linda Marshall; providing delivered meals, rides, remote programming and eventually assistance with accessing vaccines while, for the most part, being closed to the public with limited access by appointment only.
As the restrictions loosen and Governor Baker has opened things back up, we look toward re-opening the center and bringing back access to resources at the center, like; the bookstore, computer room, billiard room, and “Good as New Shoppe”. Over the summer we will see programs and events begin to return to the center and assuming all continues to go well, will look toward bringing meals, more programs and trips back again in the fall.
What do you see for opportunities for the Seniors and Senior Center?
It is a wonderful group of folks who utilize the Senior Center. We look forward to continuing and building on the programs and services that have done so well here and finding opportunities to grow in new directions, as well in the months to come. Possibilities and ideas are percolating in a variety of areas broadly including: classes and educational possibilities, collaborations with other town departments and organizations and chances to expand both the age of participants at the center and opportunities for intergenerational initiatives. We look forward to seeing folks at our Annual Fall Fair, too – which was not able to be held last year due to Covid.
What successes have you already enjoyed? What’s the good news?
I am fortunate to have stepped into a center that has been running smoothly for months during incredibly stressful and challenging times. Our success is that we are here, we are opening, we have a great team and the wonderful support of the town, the COA and the Senior Support Foundation.
What keeps you awake at night now that things are normalizing – hopefully nothing!
I am feeling good about things… my hope is that we continue to see more and more folks vaccinated and fewer and fewer cases of Covid until it eventually disappears. I choose to think positively about the direction we are going and hope that none of us have to be up at night worrying about it getting worse again.
What message would you like to send to the community? Thank-you for your support, we look forward to seeing you and please stay tuned for upcoming events and information about “happenings” at the center!
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