For 11 years, we’ve seen St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus downtown and at nearby grocery stores selling their annual charity raffle tickets to help local and national organizations. But there’s a problem this year.
After donating $210,000 over the years – including $24,300 last year, the coronavirus has really impacted this year’s drive. Grand Knight Al Scaramella said social distancing has critically hurt sales. “Right now, we’re about $9,000 behind this point last year, which would seriously reduce our primary donations to the Pantry Shelf, Senior Center, disabled veterans, and Habitat for Humanity. Al wants to “get our brothers in front of Fiske’s, the Superette, Holliston Hardware, Coffee Haven, and the grocery stores as soon as possible. But, this could be a real problem this year with some stores and depending on when restrictions lift.”
Until then, they’re asking everyone to contact any St. Mary’s Knight for tickets. Or, you can send a check (payable to KofC #14224) along with your name, address, and phone number to Tom Anguish, 542 Winter Street, Holliston, MA 01746 for tickets and get your tickets by return mail.
Tickets are $5 each or five for $20, with five winning prizes ranging from $1,000 to $100. The drawing is currently scheduled for September 26th at Celebrate Holliston. Al noted that everyone who buys tickets is already a winner for helping the hundreds of people who benefit from the council’s donations.