YFS Advisory Board Bids Adieu to Darlene Vittori-Marsell

Holliston Reporter

Contributed by Lynne Rahim

Please join the Holliston Youth and Family Services (YFS) Advisory Board as we salute and celebrate current Chairperson and longtime board member, Darlene Vittori-Marsell. For the past nine years, she has given this town countless hours of extraordinary volunteer service, supporting the YFS Director in a multitude of ways.

Darlene graciously stepped into the Chairperson position three years ago.  There have been challenges, for certain, during her tenure, and we are incredibly fortunate that she was at the helm. Darlene has led with professionalism, authority, decisiveness, and an unmatched breadth of knowledge, both clinical and of local government.

What makes Darlene extraordinary is that she has a very busy life outside of volunteering. Yet, she is never rushed, always even-keeled and always ready with a smile. She can juggle it all with apparent ease. Darlene is a full time Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with over thirty years of nursing experience, a professional speaker, an Assistant Clinical Professor at Boston College, and a mom to both human and fur babies.  

Darlene is particularly proud of three accomplishments during her time as Chairperson. The first is assisting in the hiring of current YFS Director, powerhouse Jackie Winer. Jackie was initially hired into the Court Diversion position. When YFS Director Margaret Fitzpatrick left three years ago, Darlene assisted Jackie in transitioning into the Director position and expanding the services and the reach of YFS to better support Holliston. Lastly, Darlene ensured that the additional needs of this department were identified, clinical positions were upgraded to full time based on community need, and that salaries were appropriate.

Darlene has thoroughly enjoyed her experiences on the board and getting to know Holliston residents as they come and go as board members. She has enjoyed being involved in town speaking events and becoming familiar with town by-laws. Ok, just kidding. Not so much the by-laws.

She feels that YFS is in a good place and that it is time for her to move on. This board is in awe of her, and we will sorely miss her, especially her typos, which provided much comic relief. Maybe a typing course in your retirement Darlene?

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