Annual Patriotic Decoration Count – 2023

A smaller sample size than previous years and for those of you who displayed our nations colors for our 247th birthday, thank you. At least one Norfolk St. resident was disappointed that his flag didn’t make this year’s count.

We hope next year that more people will be the remote reporters who cover more of Holliston’s neighborhoods.

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2 thoughts on “Annual Patriotic Decoration Count – 2023

    1. Tom – You’re welcome to visit our street anytime to do an audit. Most every day the same number of patriotic items are on display.
      Also, we noticed today, that Jon Sutherland on Union hoisted Old Glory on his flagpole, replacing a Bruins flag that was there when we counted – what took so long to drop the Bruins flag????
      Ultimately, it’s math thing, a smaller denominator and a larger numerator. Perhaps you want to move to a shorter street?

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