Council on Aging Meets Remotely

Holliston Reporter

The Council on Aging Chair, Kevin Robert Malone, explained the procedures of a remote meeting before calling the meeting to order on Wednesday afternoon.  A specific access code for this dial-in conference call had been emailed to members prior to the meeting and posted on the Town’s website for the public.  All Council members and some associates were present, as were Director Linda Marshall, Assistant Director Linda Sottile, and Transportation and Outreach Coordinator Marty Schneier. 

Linda Marshall reviewed her monthly Senior Center report, beginning with building issues that included the installation of a new fire and burglar alarm system that automatically ties in to both the Holliston Police and Fire Departments. 

In the area of staffing, Linda noted that she, Linda Sottile, and Marty are presently working in the building on Mondays and Wednesdays as well as by appointment.   Otherwise, all staff is working from home.  Senior Center drivers are working as needed, including delivering meals.  

In programming, up to 45 meals are prepared and delivered every Monday and Wednesday with the assistance of the caterer and the drivers.  Transportation is being provided on a limited basis to help seniors meet essential needs.  Board of Health Director, Scott Moles has provided disposable masks to all meal recipients.

The group Holliston Love has been making facemasks for various local groups and for the Senior Center staff and others in need.  If you are in need of one, please contact Linda Marshall.   (508.429.0622 x218)

Resident seniors can expect to receive an abbreviated summertime newsletter in late May. 

Looking ahead, Marshall anticipates that the Senior Center will not open until perhaps the final phase of re-opening, since seniors are the group at highest risk of contracting COVID19 virus.  As programs resume at some future date, class and group sizes may be limited, and face coverings will likely have to be worn in the building.  Emergency Management Director Michael Cassidy and Board of Health Director Scott Moles will help to determine a safe reopening.  Marshall gave thanks to these two people for their guidance and support throughout the present crisis.

The Senior Center continues to provide and deliver essential medical equipment following a sanitization process. 

An evaluation of Director Marshall was approved by unanimous vote and will be sent to the Town Administrator and Select Board. 

The Council also unanimously approved a revised fiscal year 2020-21 budget based on a 0% increase for $230,589.  This will be sent to the Town Administrator.

The meeting adjourned at 1:53 PM, following thanks from Chair Malone to all the Senior Center staff for their hard work in continuing to provide service to the population most at risk.  Several Council members reiterated these sentiments.

The next meeting of the Council on Aging will be the June 10th Annual Meeting.

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One thought on “Council on Aging Meets Remotely

  1. We are so lucky to have Marty and Linda x 2 at our Sr Ctr. Without their leadership, I don’t know how the Senior Center would be surviving this challenge. The isolation that we are all experiencing right now is something that seniors experience every day, of every week, of every year. The Senior Center is the relief from that isolation that they need. I fully understand that they require special precautions because of declining vitality and that the Center cannot re-open until it is safe. The town MUST, however, be directing a disproportionate amount of energy to a plan to re-open the Center in a safe manner as soon as advisable. There will be, unfortunately, Holliston seniors who die from Covid-19: not from the virus but from the imposed isolation.

    Thank you, ladies for your continuous efforts. I look forward to soon seeing you in person.

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