New Signs and Lines on Woodland Street

Holliston Reporter

The “Signs and Lines” work has been completed on Woodland Street, linking the Holliston Rail Trail near Holliston Oil with a crosswalk to Placentino and Miller Schools.  Tina Hein reports that the new crosswalk and sidewalk gives all residents a safe and direct route from the trail to the Woodland Street schools and fields. 

The painted crosswalk leading to the elementary schools

Funding for the improved and safe access is due to a $6,000 grant from Massachusetts Safe Routes to School.  The project had to be completed by June 30, 2020, to comply with grant guidelines. 

Hein reports, “Sean Reese of the Highway Department really made this a priority. And the level of collaboration since last summer among HPD, DPW, schools, and trails was pretty impressive.” 

The only thing missing on this Safe Route to School is the patter of little footsteps once schools reopen.

Above photo displays new signage at approach to the elementary schools crosswalk
This photo shows the newly installed walkway from the Rail Trail down to the new crosswalk

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2 thoughts on “New Signs and Lines on Woodland Street

  1. Congratulations and thank you Tina!! Can’t wait to see our walking school bus participants crossing in that crosswalk.

  2. It’s fantastic!
    My family and I thank you, the rail trail committee and all others involved for making this happen. Rail trail is a wonderful thing and to seek out possible grants along the way is a win/win for the people of Holliston.
    We love it!

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