The Council on Aging met at the Senior Center on Wednesday afternoon, October 9, and heard the October Director’s Report from Linda Marshall.
The Director’s Report included building issues, staff, fundraising and special programs updates. Among building issues, Marshall reported the Center has submitted a request to the Select Board and FinCom for $54,000 to update items not upgraded in the past few years.
Among Fundraising items, the Knights of Columbus donated $5,000 to the Center during Celebrate Holliston. Marshall thanked all who generously donate to the Senior Center.
Some highlights of upcoming events include Senator Karen Spilka’s annual Senior Health and Wellness Fair on Saturday, October 12, 9:00 AM-1:30 PM at Keefe Tech in Framingham. Wednesday, October 16, at 1:00 PM, Attorney Arthur Bergeron presents “Getting the help you need to stay independent.” A geriatric care manager will accompany Atty. Bergeron. Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Brad Jackson will visit the Center on Nov. 4, at 1:00 PM, to speak about school-related topics and answer seniors’ questions.
Marshall is continuing efforts to fill open instructors’ positions. She reported that the evening walking/fitness class will conclude as of November 1, and a Monday evening meditation class will resume in November dependent upon interest.
In new business, Chair Kevin Robert Malone provided background to members about the Baypath Elder Services, an Aging Service Access Point for the MetroWest area that provides seniors and caregivers with access to a variety of programs and services. Included among these programs is Meals on Wheels, LGBTQ programs, and a resource data bank. A Holliston senior will sit on the Baypath Board of Directors.
In old business, Chair Malone spoke of anticipated changes to the process of evaluating department heads that has not yet been completed by the Town Administrator. Chair Malone appointed a subcommittee that will meet to align an evaluation with the new form.
The next meeting of the Council on Aging is Wednesday, November 13, at 2 PM.
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Didn’t know how much the Council covers!
Knights of Columbus has no apostrophe in it.
Beth – Thank you for catching the typo. Why does Microsoft Word want to put in apostrophes where they don’t belong?! Chris