COVID-19 Updated # 18 From Representative Dykema

Holliston Reporter

April 3 Coronavirus Update

For Illustration Purpposes Only

We are entering a critical time in the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 response. As we approach the possible peak of our curve, it is increasingly important for us to remember why social distancing, quarantining, and other best practices are vital for “flattening the curve” and ensuring our health care system does not become overwhelmed.

Coronavirus Testing and Response

Source: State House News Service
  • There are 10,402 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, with 966 hospitalizations and 192 deaths as of today at 4pm. 
  • For a breakdown of cases by county and age, check here
  • This data is also now available in a dynamic model.
  • Over 62,962 tests have been conducted by the State Public Health Laboratory and private testing facilities.
  • Earlier this week, the administration set the goal of conducting 3,500 tests a day, which is regularly being exceeded. In the last 24 hours alone, 6,354 tests were administered in MA.                                        

Health Care

  • The Governor announced creation of a COVID-19 Community Tracing Collaborative, a partnership between public and private experts to conduct “case tracing” and coordinate the identification and notification of individuals who have come into contact with the COVID-19 virus. The collaborative will staff a 1,000 person call center to speak with patients about their recent activity and then contact individuals they may have come into contact with. A global health nonprofit, Partners In Health, will coordinate this effort. This is a key effort in implementing the “pyramid of prevention.” 
  • Nursing Home Testing pilot project has begun that allows for safe, on-site testing of symptomatic residents of nursing and rest homes with a quick turnaround. 280 individuals have already been tested in-home as the pilot program begins to ramp up.
  • The Commonwealth, working with Partners Healthcare, received a Battelle N95 decontamination system, which can sterilize masks for reuse and mitigate severe shortages of protective masks for healthcare providers. The system is scheduled to be operational in the Boston area on Monday April 6. 
  • MassHealth has confirmed that the CARES Act’s extra $600 per person in unemployment assistance and $1,200 per person checks that will be distributed to all Americans will not impact income eligibility calculations for MassHealth.

Elder Supports


  • The RMV has announced that effective Monday, April 6, AAA Northeast will close all its locations for at least two weeks. AAA Northeast locations will be open on Saturday, April 4th for appointments only. All AAA Pioneer Valley locations are currently closed.

Legislative Action

  • Today, the Governor signed  H.4598 into law. This legislation will empower towns to be flexible with critical services and deadlines related to town meetings, town elections, tax collection, and budgeting. It will also lift the cap in number of hours public retirees with public health and public safety expertise can work and enable bars and restaurants to sell alcoholic beverages with take-out meals. 
  • This week, the House also voted to pass H.4615, which establishes a moratorium on most residential and commercial evictions within the Commonwealth for the duration of the State of Emergency and 30 days after. The bill will now be considered by the Senate.
  • The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security is inviting written testimony on legislation that would create a category of hazard duty time for public safety officers and other first responders impacted by COVID-19. The legislation can be reviewed online here and information on submitting email testimony can be found here.

Additional Resources

  • Widespread mask use is particularly challenging for the deaf and hard of hearing community, due to the limitations it places on visual communication. The state Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has created a Coronavirus Visual Tool to help safety communicate during this time. 
  • Practicing social distancing and staying at home can be particularly challenging for individuals at risk of domestic or sexual violence. Jane Doe, Inc. has provided a list of resources for those at
  • All of us, including otherwise healthy individuals, are experiencing higher than normal levels of stress and anxiety. Please review these state resources for maintaining emotional health and wellbeing, which in turn helps protect your immune system.

Updated Resources for Residents Experiencing Job Loss or Loss of Income

COVID-19 is causing broad disruption to the economy which is affecting incomes of many residents and families. There are a number of state resources and supports available to support workers who may find themselves unemployed or otherwise income-constrained during this uncertain time. 

New: This page has been updated to reflect changes due to the passage of the federal CARES Act and to provide additional guidance based on frequently asked questions my office has received.

For your convenience, you can find a guide of resources and information at:

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