Ken Szajda (below), Chair, opened the combined remote meeting of the Finance Committee (FC) and the Select Board (SB) on Tuesday, June 28, at 7 PM, with all members of both groups and Travis Ahern, Town Administrator, present. The two groups were combined for the purpose of conducting interviews and selecting a candidate to fill the current vacancy seat on the FC.
Two candidates had submitted letters for consideration. Dr. Szajda read three questions to each candidate. In summary, questions elicited candidates’ interest in volunteering for the vacant position, applicable skills and experiences, and previous public service. The interview was then opened to the groups for additional questioning, followed by a vote.
Consensus was that both candidates were exceptionally qualified, outstanding candidates. John Cronin, SB Vice Chair, brought forward Julie Winston (above) for the position, with a second from Jay Robinson, FC Clerk. The vote was 8 in favor with one abstention (Vince Murphy). Ben Sparrell, SB Chair, adjourned the Select Board from the meeting at 7:30 PM, and the FinCom remained to complete its agenda.
Winston, a Holliston resident since 2015, spent 23 years in the National Guard and feels working with the FinCom is the next way she can serve her community. Her degrees in Accounting and Financial Planning have aided her in her career in military finance as a finance battalion officer in Afghanistan and in her work with Morgan Stanley as a financial planner.
Travis Ahern reported that the State will release $1 million for the rehabilitation/replacement of the Factory Pond bridge under Woodland Street. The estimate for this work is $1,187,00. The contract for this work had to be executed by June 30 for the release of these funds.
To balance the books at the end of the fiscal year, the FinCom is granted special powers by the State to approve (by vote) transfers between the period from May 1 through June 30 and the start of a new fiscal year (i.e. July 1). Dr. Szajda reviewed the 10 relevant items from a spread sheet (prepared by Sharon Emerick, Town Accountant) shared onscreen by Ahern. These included:
The Committee voted separately to approve the Library item with 5 in favor and 1 abstention (D. Alfred). All other items were approved unanimously.
Ben Sparrow (SB) then reminded the Committee that it could anticipate a tri-board meeting (FinCom, SB, and School Committee) and a FinCom/SB meeting on infrastructure possibly before the end of August. Szajda said the FC does not plan to meet again until August. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM.
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