Governance Committee Welcomes Shaughnessy

Holiston Reporter

Following Governance Committee Chair Sam Tyler’s remote call to order of the Wednesday (8-4-21) meeting at 4:30 PM, members welcomed Joan Shaughnessy to its ranks. She was appointed following the resignation of Tina Lingham in June. Tyler remarked that Shaughnessy’s extensive background in finance and knowledge of the town as well as her expertise in social media made her an excellent addition to the Committee.  Shaughnessy said, “I am humbled by this appointment,” and added that she is looking forward to the work of the Committee.

Joan Shaughnessy

Tyler then focused the meeting by reviewing the Committee’s work leading to the October 2021 Special Town Meeting.  He specifically identified “language improvements” for current Holliston By-Laws concerning the Board of Assessors, the Town Treasurer and the Town Accountant as its focus areas.  The Committee plans to conduct August meetings with the Town Accountant and Treasurer/Tax Collector and Principle Assessor to inform their work.

Recommendations from the MA Technical Assessment Bureau for Local Services (TABLS) are expected later in September or October.  Committee work to address potential recommendations will follow, but will not be presented until the May 2022 Town Meeting. 

The Committee noted that revisions may be necessary to “fine tune” its “Comparable Towns” listing (click: Webpage).  Towns on the present list were selected because each contained specific language in Articles or By-laws that addressed the fiscal budget process.

The Committee voted to accept minutes from the following 2021 meetings:  May 6 and 27, and June 24 and 28.  Tyler adjourned the meeting at 5:28 PM.  Tyler adjourned the meeting at 5:28 PM.

The Sunday August 8 edition of Holliston Reporter will include the Long-Range Planning Committee’s recent meeting.

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