If you were in downtown Holliston on Sunday, January 17th, about one o’clock, you saw a parade of Holliston fire, police, Lions and VFW vehicles making joyous noise. Vincent Trunfio, a fellow Lion and Club member for 7 years, turned 95, and his wife Susan turned 90 over the weekend. Holliston Lions couldn’t pass up this opportunity to celebrate. So, under the leadership of club president Matt Putvinski, Lions rallied to surprise Vincent and family with balloons, signs, sirens, flashing lights and blaring horns as all involved paraded past their home on Washington St.

Vincent and Susan have lived together for 66 years and are longtime residents, having settled in Holliston in 1956 to raise their family. They are retired teachers, both very involved in the community. A former teacher of the fine arts in Belmont, he brought out the talents of many young performers. Also a WW II veteran, Vincent became commander of the local VFW at the age of 90. Their vigor and enthusiasm shows just talking with them. The Holliston Lions have been a good match for Vincent’s energy.

The Lions Club motto is, “We serve,” and Holliston Lions serve the community by giving back in many ways. The Holliston Lions support eye research, prepare and serve (or deliver) breakfasts and dinners for veterans and seniors, support a Leos chapter, sponsor a state speech contest, support the All-State Band programs at the high school, hold an annual carnival, participate in the downtown holiday lights project, donate coats for kids, present breakfast with Santa, and sponsor the $10,000 Big Raffle! Serving the community makes Lions happy for the contributions it makes toward making Holliston a great place to live.

All photos courtesy of Lion Tony Mistretta.
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I was a piano student of Mr. Trunfio for seven years a LONG time ago (1960’s). God bless you, and thank you for giving me a love of music.
Vincent is a wonderful human being! As is all of his family, and lovely wife, that I have had the pleasure of meeting. The Lions are lucky to have him. Happy Birthday, Vincent!
I knew Sue and Vincent almost my entire life. Sue was my accordion teacher as well. They were good friends of my parents for many years.