Reminder: All Town facilities remain closed to public access. The ONLY exception is the Rail Trail where safe distance and face masks are recommended.

Below is the schedule of Board and Committee meetings planned for the week of April 27, 2020 – as of Sunday April 26, 2020. Check the Town website for any updates during the week.

All meetings are now held remotely. Access information is below:
- Veterans: You can participate by connecting to Zoom at You can also join by Phone only by calling 1-646-558-8656 then enter Meeting ID: 916 5735 4472
- Select: You can participate by connecting to Zoom at When prompted enter 13579 for password. You can also join by Phone only by calling 1-646-558-8656 then enter Meeting ID: 789-418-319 and when prompted for password enter: 13579
- 9 Green Street: Public can dial 774-233-7100 to listen and for Public Comment. Enter Meeting ID:719866#
- Finance Committee: You can participate by connecting to Zoom at When prompted enter 13579 for password. You can also join by Phone only by calling 1-646-558-8656 then enter Meeting ID: 232 740 250 and when prompted for password enter: 13579 Also, you can watch the hearings live on HCAT Verizon 34/Comcast 11.
- Planning Board: You can participate by connecting to Zoom at Meeting Password: 13579. You can also join by Phone only by calling 1-646-558-8656 then enter Meeting ID: 288 221 782 and when prompted for password enter: 13579
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