Holliston Happenings: Week of August 3, 2020

Holliston Reporter

Governance Committee:  The committee will hold a joint meeting with the Select Board to receive their charge. After suspending their meeting to meet separately, they will hold an organizing discussion.

Access the Governance Committee Meeting: By Computer – Connect to Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89480708148 and when prompted for password, enter: 13579. By Phone Only- Call 1-646-558-8656, then enter Meeting ID: 894 8070 8148# and when prompted for password, enter: 13579

School Committee: The Superintendent will respond to parents’ questions related to the re-opening of schools. Dr. Kustka will send an e-mail to parents on Monday evening with details. Other citizens who don’t have students in HPS may e-mail questions to School Committee Chair, Stacey Raffi raffis@hsc.holliston.k12.ma

Planning Board:  The Board will continue a Public Hearing regarding the development at 555 Hopping Brook Road.  The Hearing will start no earlier than 7:15 pm.

You can participate by connecting to Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/288221782. Meeting Password: 13579. You can also join by phone only by calling 1-646-558-8656 then enter Meeting ID: 288 221 782 and when prompted for password enter: 13579.

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