Holliston Lions Club Making a Difference

The Holliston Lions Club has wrapped up their 2022 – 2023 Lions Year. What a year it was! As we come out of the pandemic, Lions Clubs across the world have struggled to maintain their membership, increase their donations, and do more to serve their communities. As with every Lions Club the Holliston Lions is committed to providing opportunities in Holliston.

Thanks to the generosity of our community, we broke records for fundraising during the 2022-2023 Lions year. President Mike McKenna worked tirelessly along with 1st VP Mark Ahronian to make a mark in Holliston. Make a mark they did — here are some of the donations which the Holliston Lions Club made in 2022 – 2023 in Holliston:

Boy Scout Troop 73 (to repair trailer) $200 Celebrate Holliston $100
Cole Court $500 Holliston Food Pantry $300
Friends of the Community Farm $500 Friends of the Holliston Library $750
Friends of the Holliston Rail Trail $500 Golden Opportunities $3,000 *Service dog*
Holliston Leo Club $1,000 Masonic Angel Foundation $200
Senior Cookout $500 Holliston Tax Relief $4,500
Holliston VFW $1,500 American Legion $1,500
Charles River Chorale $250 Children’s Glaucoma Foundation $250

In addition, the Holliston Lions Club provided more than $10,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors. Thanks to everyone in the community, we had also allocated up to $3,500 to be provided to Friends of the Holliston Senior Center. Part of this allocation was used to purchase two new grills and the covers needed to protect them from the elements.

The Holliston Lions Club had a great year thanks to all of the support from our community. Holliston Lions implemented new programs including a very successful Golf Tournament held last October, held their first ever meat raffle with help from Casey’s and Holliston Superette and presented Heart of a Lion Award for the first time.

Remember, where there is a need, there is a Lion – If you think you would like to learn more about the Holliston Lions Club, you can contact them from their website.

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2 thoughts on “Holliston Lions Club Making a Difference

    1. The Senior Support Foundation appreciates all that Lions have done to support Holliston Seniors.

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