It Was Par for the Course at the Library

Holliston Reporter

The Friends of the Library hosted a fundraiser for the Library that utilized ALL of the Library. Library Director, Leslie McDonnell, reported that the event had drawn steady play during the first two hours.

Players of all ages tee off on the first hole.

The Friends were assisted by members of the Holliston Leos Club. Adult players came from a far away as Dracut (they have friends in Holliston) to play. They were overheard reporting their 9-hole scores – somewhere in the low 20’s!!

And the fun continues on the lower level.
The finishing holes on the main floor. This shot was taken standing on the 6th tee – a short par 3 tucked in between the stacks.
Every course has a ‘signature hole.’ This is the Library’s doozy. The 7th hole starts on the upper level and finishes on the main floor. The ball travels through a series of drainage pipes, over a foam jump and – ready for it – into the Clown’s mouth!
Joe Buckley, owner of Mobile-Mini Golf, has putters for all ages and sizes. He reports that he does 2 – 3 events per week. What a cool job!

What a great way to get inside out of the cold and have some fun for a worthy cause.

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