Library Trustees Gather for Short December Remote Meeting

Holliston Reporter

The Wednesday evening remote meeting of the Library Trustees was opened by Chair Nancy Baron at 7 PM, with all Trustees present.  Minutes from the November meeting were approved, and then Baron turned to Leslie McDonnell, Library Director, for her monthly report.

Among points presented by McDonnell from her report:

  • Jennifer Carlson, Interim Librarian of the Children’s Library, recently handed out 144 Thanksgiving bags to children;
  • Say I’m Dead: A Memoir of Race, Secrets, and Love, by Dolores Johnson, has been selected as the One Book, One Holliston selection for 2021.  The book is available electronically on Hoopla and Overdrive, or in print from the library or curbside pickup.   (See website for details:
  • McDonnell attended he Small Libraries Forum, a remote two-day program;
  • Staff have received training on Overdrive and e-books, and Tammy Page and Jen Keen will continue to support staff in attaining skills with both;
  • Patrons are complying with COVID regulations for indoor Library use, and some patrons are returning to curbside pickup;
  • Two job descriptions will be posted this week:
    • A part time library technician
    • A full time Children’s Librarian.
Library Director Leslie McDonnell

In updating the Trustees concerning the Library building, McDonnell reported:

  •  Old stonework repair, painting and carpeting are items on the Warrant to be presented during Saturday’s Town Meeting at 1:00PM at the auditorium of Holliston High School;
  • A broken heat pump and a poorly functioning back up pump, each about $2500, need to be replaced.  James Keast, Facilities Manager, will facilitate replacement of the main pump.  McDonnell anticipated funding from the regular Library budget;
  • The door to the parking lot from the lower level Gilman Room has been replaced.  As this door is presently used for curbside pickups, the cost is anticipated to be absorbed by the CARES Act. 

McDonnell reported Friends of the Library will not be holding a clothing drive.

Baron adjourned the meeting at 7:32 PM, announcing the next meeting of the Trustees is January 6, 2021. 

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