Chair Karla Alfred opened the remote Library Trustees meeting at 7:03 PM on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 by reading the statement for such a meeting. Roll call was followed by approval of the October 6, 2021, meeting minutes. Alfred turned over the meeting to Leslie McDonnell for the Director’s report.

McDonnell provided a brief COVID update to the Trustees, beginning by stating that all was going well. With the town’s mask mandate for town buildings still in effect through December, McDonnell said that the library does offer masks to patrons if they have forgotten their own. Additionally, she will check to be sure that child-sized masks are available.
As McDonnell is presently planning her retirement, she spoke about the progress made thus far concerning the hiring of a new Library Director. She is beginning to draft an advertisement and is researching other towns’ ads presently online. The job description written and approved in 2016 will be used, and a link to this will be embedded in the ad. The Trustees suggested some ideas as well as encouraging wording that McDonnell might consider.
Moving through the agenda, Alfred introduced the topic of selection of a sixth Trustee to replace a recent resignation. At this point, four residents have voiced their interest in the position. Alfred suggested an invitation to all potential candidates to a Zoom open meeting next Wednesday, November 10, at 7 PM. Each candidate will be afforded a 15-minute time for a “meet and greet” with the Trustees.
McDonnell reminded Trustees that performance reports and evaluations are to be forwarded to the new Assistant Town Administrator Kathleen Buckley prior to any wage increase or COLA. McDonnell will send the new form to the Trustees when she receives it so that the mid-January deadline may be comfortably met.
Updating the Trustees on the Friends of the Library, McDonnell said that the group continues to purchase any needs that the staff have. “They’re great,” said McDonnell.
Alfred adjourned the meeting at 8:09 PM, with the announcement of next week’s November 10, 7 PM meeting.
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