A quorum was quickly assembled online for a remote meeting of the Library Trustees on Tuesday evening at 7, and was called to order by Chair Nancy Baron. Following the approval of the September 2 meeting minutes, the Trustees greeted Library Director, Leslie McDonnell, who presented the Director’s Report.
Among the news at the library:
- Both Jen Carlson, Children’s Librarian, and McDonnell attended the New England Library Association online convention, with their registrations funded by the Friends of the Library;
- A new monthly Mystery Book Club begins on October 10;
- The use of a laminator–for the cost for the sleeve only–is now offered to the public;
- Curbside pickup will be moved to the entrance between the Gilman Room and the parking lot during the cold weather (Funding for the door repairs through the CARES Act was recently approved by the Select Board); and
- “Irish Need Not Apply,” a virtual program with Christopher Daley, was held on Sunday, October 4, with Medway Library. Approximately 50 people attended.
The Trustees voted to allocate $825 from the gift account to upgrade the Library website. Piper Websites will provide the following upgrades to its present service:
- The website will be made more usable on mobile phones;
- The website will have an improved management system; and
- The website accessibility will be compliant with ADA requirements.
The Trustees voted to approve the purchase of a new receipt printer for the cost of $208 that will be allocated from the gift account. The former printer, purchased second hand, has finally given up the ghost.
The Trustees also agreed to extend the Conference Room Usage Policy to the Typing Room. This policy allows patrons to book either room for a 2-hour time limit for any purpose. Bookings may be done in person, by phone, or through email.
The Friends of the Library is funding crafts bags for children, and will fund Halloween bags as well. The Halloween bags will contain a craft as well as a snack, and will be available during the last two weeks of October.
The Trustees thanked McDonnell and the Library staff for their continued diligent work during the COVID 19 pandemic. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
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