The Library Trustees February meeting was called to order by Chair Nancy Baron, on Wednesday evening, at 7 PM.
Minutes of the January 6, 2021 meeting were amended and approved as amended.
Library Director Leslie McDonnell presented the Director’s Report:
- Concerning the Children’s Library activity, “The two story times have good participation,” McDonnell said. The Legos program and the parent coffee time have been dropped due diminished participation.
- Bids are open for needed carpeting and painting. James Keast, Facilities Manager, is overseeing these.
- Various masons have been examining the Library front for repair.
- Bonnie Conroy has been hired part time as a Library technician.
- McDonnell is culling the non-print materials.
- Previous to the recent purchase of TD Bank property, TD Bank plowed the rear parking area. As of purchase last month and recent snowfall, the area was not cleared. McDonnell said that the Town Administrator is aware of this situation.
- Chris Meo will install recently purchased security cameras in the Library next week.
- The new Library website design is coming along. It will offer modifications for those visually impaired.
McDonnell next discussed her FY2022 Budget. Members had a copy of the budget to refer to as McDonnell spoke. A “level service guideline” was suggested in the the budget preparation. The total budget is $521,780.The Trustees voted unanimously to accept the budget as prepared.
McDonell highlighted two upcoming programs: the One Book One Holliston talk with the author of Say I’m Dead, E. Dolores Johnson,on February 17, and the Chocolate-themed cooking workshop with Liz Barbour on February 10.
McDonnell noted that despite the Library being closed, the Library remains very busy. Curbside pickup and home delivery options are enlisted by patrons presently, and a third table has been set up for curbside pickup due to heavy demand.
The meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM. The next meeting of the Trustees will be March 3, 2021.
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