May 16, 2022; Peace Officer Memorial Day in Holliston

Peace Office Memorial Day is part of the weeklong observance of Police Week. The Holliston Select Board proclaimed Monday, May 16th as the Town-wide observance to remember those HPD officers who have passed – including Officer John Johnson killed in the line of duty on August 13, 1981.

Select Board Clerk John Cronin reads the Town Proclamation.
Holliston’s Finest render a salute to the flags flying at half-staff in honor of this Memorial day.
HPD Chief Matthew Stone returns after placing a wreath on the Holliston Police Memorial stone.

A line of police cruisers left HPD headquarters proceeding to St. Mary’s Cemetery where several former HPD personnel are interred.

Putting skills, he learned serving in the US Army, SGT John Remkus organized the honor detail into ranks and directed the activities executed during the morning ceremony.

Chief Stone leads the HPD personnel to the gravesite of Officer John Johnson.

Members of Office Johnson’s family, friends, retired HPD officers (including three former Chiefs), Town Administrator Travis Ahern turned out for this year’s remembrance.

Father Mark Coiro, Pastor of St. Mary’s Church, recited scripture and shared prayers for all the departed as he stands near the grave of Officer John Johnson (bottom right of photo).

The youngest generation of Johnsons place a wreath on Officer Johnson’s headstone as HPD renders honors.

The ceremony concluded with SGT Matthew Waugh (center below) reading the Roll Call of the Holliston Police personnel who have passed. Not surprising, many names bore the same family name.

Thank you for your service and Holliston will keep your memory alive.

SGT Waugh, on behalf of the Holliston Police Association, invited all present to adjourn to the Historical Society Barn for light refreshments courtesy of the Association.

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