Officer-of-the-Day, Bobby Blair welcomed those present and those viewing at home via HCAT. He shared some historical instances when other Memorial Day parades had been disrupted. The message I took from his remarks was, remembering those who have fallen in battle is more important than periodic disruptions in our lives.

Mr. Cronin shared the story of Leonard Chesmore who died in combat in the Pacific. The story highlighted how a family gives so much during wartime – one of the three Chesmore boys who went to war did not return. He thanked Hester Chesmore for sharing the basis for his Memorial Day message so that we could all have a vivid memory of Leonard and all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Thank you Holliston veterans for continuing the important tradition of remembering those who have sacrificed all so that we may be free.
A photo album of the event can be viewed here -> https://www.facebook.com/pg/HollistonReportercom-155733254139/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10158329599564140
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Thank you to all who participated. A special thank you to Renee (singing of the National Anthem) and Mathew (the sounding of TAPS) for joining us. Also to HCAT TV and Holliston Reporter for the coverage.